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Evening all, here with a mid-month update! In general, things have been going pretty well this month! I've now gone through and implemented all of those various GUI menus I mentioned previously, and am now beginning to process the art asset files to get them ready for the portrait system - including Human portraits, which I have recently received. While most of the functionality is fairly straightforward, I'll go ahead and get into a few details to note some differences from Carnal Coup.

  • You will no longer be limited to 30 set save file slots, but can now name your own save files and make as many as you want. I've also directly copied over my code for maintaining continuity between game versions from Carnal Coup, so there shouldn't need to be much worry about needing to restart the game due to version updates. Along with this, I've made a fair few behind-the-scenes updates to make sure everything serializes properly. One thing I haven't implemented yet is the quicksave/autosave system, I'll probably get to this once we're into the regular content updates and there's a real gameplay loop.
  • I've set up the options screen, with the old favorites of text font sizing, game credits, cheat codes, etc. I've also gotten the music system functioning, at the moment I've tossed the main track from CC into there but will probably go digging into my library for something newer at a later point. The main difference is using more of a tabbed window system for options, to make it less of a mess than it was in CC. A gallery system will be coming later once we've got more art to show off.
  • I've also added in a start screen/menu, content warning, etc. Not much to say here!

Now, as for art, I've begun prepping all of the various body part and clothing item assets I've received so that I can start setting up portraits. So far I've processed through the Figura and Human assets, the humans being notable for having quite a few more customization options than most species will have (on the assumption that people will care more about having a unique-looking Human). I'll be posting preview pics to show off some of these in a followup post, to limit the image spam per post a bit. Once all of the files are ready I'll be doing some work on the character creation system to allow for portraits to be created, as well as adding functionality to NPC generation to create portraits that fit those characters. It should be noted that player characters and generic NPCs will be using the same asset pool, my plan at the moment is to identify the main pieces making a 'unique' individual for each species, then lock out NPC creation from making NPCs that look like the player.

Overall I think I'm on track to get all of this working before the end of the month, at which point I may look for other minor functionality items that need doing, or begin planning my GUI overhaul. That one is going to be a rather significant task, and one which I'll talk about more in the next SotG. Til then, enjoy and thanks for your support!



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