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Evening all, just thought I'd drop by with a quick mid-month update. No gameplay screencaps tonight (perhaps with the next State of the Game), but the short version is that ground combat is now functional! For the long version of what I've done so far this month:

  • Wrote a few short scenes to connect the space and ground encounters
  • Updated my 'character' classes to track various combat information as ships do
  • Set up generating an enemy team of combatants
  • Set up the basis for the Equipment system - each piece of equipment you have selected for your crew will provide them with one action option in ground combat, for now the only option is single-target Fists, but other upgrades like med kits, guns, and AoE attacks will be a thing.
  • Various bits of code logic to handle a combat situation where combatants can be KO'd and taken out of the fight, rather than the 1v1 mode of space combat

The next thing up on the list is seduction 'combat'. I'll be writing up a few more short scenes to get to that section of the introduction, and then it'll be more mechanics coding time. Functionally it will be almost the same as ground combat, with the main difference being that instead of crewmember actions coming from Equipment, they'll come from some combination of default options and that character's traits - certain traits may give a character more 'damaging' options, and some may leave characters more vulnerable to some actions. Sorting out how to best use the traits I've currently got implemented will probably be the main chunk of the task, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to finish that up by the end of the month. 

So til then, see you in a few weeks with the next update!


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