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Evening, all! Things are going well enough here, making good progress through the new character generator (which is quite a bit more involved than Coup's character selection), but tonight I have something else on my mind rather than a progress report.

As I mentioned earlier, my goal for Carnal Voyages is to include a mix of new and old alien species. Going off the previous poll and my own interests, I am currently aiming for the playable races in CV to be: Humans/Terrans, Figura, Harians, Schen, Vox, and Roth (with Roth Drones and Mistresses being almost subspecies mechanically). As usual, there is still a chance that this may change. My next focus however is picking which species to fill the target spots for the four newcomers. An AI race is a certainty, but that leaves three spots which I thought I might open to another public poll.

To briefly summarize my current potential designs (species names not finalized):

  • Swole Giants - Roth Drones not tall enough for you? Harians not muscularly enough? These giants would be in the 8-9 foot range, with the strength to really put some size difference-based positions to work. Lady Dimitrescu fans, this one is for you.
  • Space Slimes - The traditional semi-opaque sapient slime. Features could include shapeshifting, tentacles, and natural x-ray scenes.
  • Astrals - Psionic-based energy beings who have stashed away what remains of their organic forms and explore the universe in constructs that are part solid, part psychic projection. Features including psychic powers, telekinesis, and flexible body forms.
  • Seeder Plants - A plant-based species with a non-traditional reproductive system. Hermaphroditic, possibly tentacles, possible seed 'planting' content.
  • Space Goblins - Neither of the shortstack races from Coup did particularly well in the last poll, but if you think the concept deserves another shot, here you go. High-energy, mischievous, pairs well with Giants if you don't mind followup medbay visits.
  • Surveyors - The GPU's scouts, a winged insectoid race who are more personable and friendly than the Roth, with a bit more humanoid form. Potentially extra limbed.

This poll will run until the end of the month, you may choose multiple options but I'd suggest limiting yourself to 3. And of course, if none of these catch your fancy, I am still open to suggestions. Happy voting!
