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So! Another year is upon us! Before I get into things, the free release of v0.47.1 can now be found on the blog!

In the past I've had vague hopes of wrapping up Carnal Coup development by the end of the year, but this time I can truly say we are now very close. It will still be some months, due to the part time nature of the project, but the number of items left on the checklist is growing rather short. Let's first take a more detailed look at this month, then we'll go over the more long-term forecast.

January will be primarily focused on finishing up the second half of the Director endgame scenes. Based on a prior poll, the game's climactic end sequence will come in the form of a special Mission, which I hope to start on by the end of the month. As it will be a relatively involved one though, implementing that will probably go on into February. Artwise, we have a number of Citizen CGs currently in progress, and based on a recent poll we'll be following those up with some specifically focused on Vessian scenes. Past January, let's do an overview from there to the end of the planned development tasks! These are of course highly prone to changing, particularly as they get further out.


  • Finish the Endgame Mission
  • Add the Endgame scenes (Liberator/Infiltrator/Bad End)
  • Start on Department/Director Epilogue Scenes (Short summaries)


  • Finish Dept/Director Epilogues
  • Specialist Epilogues (Final Sexytimes content)
  • Add Liberator/Infiltrator Ending artwork


  • Cleanup tasks, particularly a Gallery overhaul
  • Lots of testing and editing

And that should bring us to v1.0! Artwise, beyond filling in a few must-have ending scenes, I'll be keeping the art team busy with filling in citizen encounter or other scenes as we've been doing recently. Now, what about beyond v1.0? Well, I do intend to try and monetize the game somewhat once it's complete - while I do greatly appreciate all of your support thus far, the Patreon hasn't exactly been self-sufficient, let alone turned a profit, unfortunate to say. I have some ideas on what exactly it will involve, but as that's still some months off and subject to change, I'll talk more about it when the time comes. Though there will of course always be a free version of the game available.

Once that's complete, and the final-final version of Carnal Coup is in the wild? As I've mentioned before, I do have rough plans for a sequel in mind. However, even assuming that does happen, there will likely be a gap of some months between Coup and anything being released for the sequel. For one, I'm sure I could use a break. But more than that, as I intend for the sequel to be quite different gameplay-wise, and not just 'Carnal Coup, but new scenes', there will need to be some time spent before there's anything that could even be run let alone played. What exactly that will mean for the Patreon during that time I haven't yet decided, so again, you can expect to hear me talk more about that when we get to it.

All in all, it should be a very exciting year! Thanks again to everyone who's played and supported us so far, and I hope you stay with us to the end of the project!

In summary:

December Accomplishments:

  • 5 new text scenes, with several variants
  • Director Endgame functionality added
  • 5 new CG sets from artists Suki, Vin4ART and TDK!

January Forecast:

  • The remaining 4 Director scenes
  • Citizen Encounter CGs - Harian and Schen scenes currently in progress, Vessian scenes to follow
  • Starting work on the Climax Mission


Luzilyo Valentine

holy shit this game has come a long way from when i played one of the early free versions (0.10.1) a few years ago. and that despite the fact that even the first goal (ensuring long-time development) hasn't been reached yet. you are one dedicated dude. i would have pledged earlier but i gotta admit i totally forgot that this game existed until today when i was looking through all my games because i didn't know what i wanted to play lol.


I'll admit, the primary reason I work on this is to maintain my own sanity. But the support of patrons is also greatly appreciated!