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Evening all, it's time for the final release of 2020! We've got some code, some art, and some scenes for you tonight!

For the code work, I should say that while I've implemented some more of the endgame functionality stuff, I've decided not to turn it on until at least all of the final Director scenes are done (and may wait until the full Endgame is complete). This means that you will see some costs being calculated to trigger the scenes, however nothing is yet being paid, and the numbers shown are only placeholders for the moment. You can also replay these scenes to your heart's content, which won't be the case in the final product.

Scenewise, I'm continuing through Directors in the usual order, getting three more final scenes in for this update. As with the Commando scene earlier, you'll have some slightly different outcomes if you have a loyal Specialist and you follow through on the recruitment speech you gave them earlier. We also have two new CG sets, including the Holiday scene you all saw previewed earlier! This also includes our final planned Specialist CG set, although it is still possible more will be done later on.

While I have plenty to say for our ongoing work and plans, I'll save that discussion for the big State of the Game post planned for tomorrow night. As usual for the turn-of-the-year posts, I'll be looking at not just the coming month, but forecasting for all of 2021 (which I will confidently say will be the final year of Carnal Coup's development). So stay tuned! For now, patch notes below, game links to follow, and Happy New Year's!

v0.48.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Some preliminary code work on Director Endgame decisions. Costs are now being calculated and displayed for each path, however these costs are not yet active and the values will be adjusted before they are activated.

Mission Content:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • Roboticists Director Scene 5 added.
  • Cloners Director Scene 5 added.
  • Secret Police Director Scene 5 added.
  • Playing the above scenes does not have a 'cost' yet and they are currently replayable.
  • Reminder: If you played through a Specialist's 'Relationship' scene before, you may need to play it again to get their special input on the above scenes.

Art Content:

  • Piledriver/Grunt Threesome CGs added to Scenes and Gallery (6 variants).
  • 'Holiday Roth' Random Citizen Encounter CG added to Scene and Gallery.

Codex Entries:

  • Station Exterior CG is now visible from the Setting - Watch Station entry.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug where text color tags may not be properly applied if a random citizen encounter played immediately on returning to the office in some situations.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you chose NPCs to be male by default where available, the Vessian Director's portrait would not appear during meetings.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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