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Evening all, it's time for our first update of the month! This release is mostly foundational work for the endgame, setting up the system before we can really get into it.

First off, a new Hellfire scene will now play after you've done the first four scenes for at least three Directors - a very talky scene, perhaps, but should help point you in the right direction for where to go from there. Once that scene has played you'll then have the option to visit the final scene for each Director, once they've been added to the game (currently Commandos only).

I didn't have time to fully implement the Director action mechanics for this release, so the current scene is a bit more of a preview. If you have Grunt's trust, it will provide a 'discount' for the cost of implementing the plan you first recruited him with, but currently there is no cost actually associated with the scene. This scene also doesn't 'count' yet towards the ending, you can feel free to play through both options and neither will take effect until a later update.

In addition to endgame stuff, we also have a number of new art items from artist TDK! We have a new Hellfire CG set for you with a special guest star, and a couple of station shots (one of which you can preview above). The station shots are not yet in the game proper, one being reserved for the 'bad end', and the other will likely go into the codex soon. However, if you have the Gallery code, feel free to take a sneak peek.

That's all for now, the rest of the month will be focused on finishing the endgame scene mechanics, and then writing up more Director scenes. In the meanwhile, patch notes below, game links to follow. Enjoy!

v0.48.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated
  • Partial Functionality to support Director endgame moves. Endgame actions do not yet require points to perform, and may be replayed.
  • Page switching added to 'Other' section of the gallery.

Mission Content:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • A new Hellfire briefing scene has been added to help explain the game's endgame goals. This will play at the end of the day after completing at least three Director plotlines, and can then be replayed from Hellfire's office.
  • Fifth Commando Director scene added. This will be available after receiving Hellfire's endgame briefing (and finishing the earlier Commando Director scenes). Extra content included for having earned Grunt's trust, Grunt's 'Relationship' scene may need to be replayed if it hasn't been done in the last few versions.

Art Content:

  • Hellfire/Double D CG added to Scenes and Gallery (2 variants).
  • Station Exterior CG added to Gallery.
  • Bad End CG added to Gallery.

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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