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Evening all, it's time for our first update of the month! There's not much in this release as far as 'playable' content goes, so you can consider it more of a preview build for those who want to see everything as it gets updated. However, we did get some art in just a bit after the build deadline, and I'll be including a preview of some of that with the Infiltrator+ post after this one.

I'll admit to having been fairly distracted for much of the past week or two given all of the *waves generally at the world* going on, but some good progress was made nonetheless. Most of the work required to get the recruit assignment functionality up and running is now complete, and I now need only to finish off the Department scene checks to cross off all of the major mid-game phase tasks entirely. I can confidently say this will all be wrapped up by the next release, and starting in December we'll be moving into the end-game development phase, which should be significantly shorter than the first two phases.

Not much more to say tonight, so, patch notes below, game links to follow. Enjoy!

v0.47.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated
  • Random citizen encounter scenes which require a certain number of recruits of a certain species will now begin checking if you have the recruits before displaying those scenes. Active status and gender of recruits is not factored in, just the total number.
  • Various functionality to get the Recruit Assignment panel to a working state. Clicking on a recruit type will assign that recruit to the first empty slot, provided it meets the requirements. Clicking the slot will empty it. Attempting to continue without assigning all positions will bring up a warning (Not yet implemented for Department scene checks).
  • Recruit Operations and Office Upgrades now require you to properly assign recruits before you can continue with the operation/upgrade. Assigned recruits will move to 'idle' status for a random amount of time after being used for an op.

Mission Content:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • Minor Office Upgrade-related edits to various Director scenes: Propagandists 4, Pilots 4, Workers 4. The office 'home' screen text also now reflects your upgrade level and selections.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where name variables weren't being applied in the Celopi office upgrade result.
  • Fixed issue where assigning recruits in the recruit panel would revert to using a placeholder count for the remaining number of recruits.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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