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Evening all, time for our first release of the month! This has been a pretty short development cycle, but we got in enough art and code updates early on this month I believe to qualify for an update. So, first off, let's talk about some art!

I mentioned this the other day in an art preview post, but while Switch's design has always been meant to be on the androgynous side, some of the art was maybe a bit too much so. So there's been some portrait updates, and also a few new 'cosplay' type portraits have been added to one scene. Additionally, background assets have been added for the 'military camp' themed exploration missions, as you can see above! There's only one set of mission backgrounds left on the list, although work won't begin on those until next month.

Codewise, the foundational work is now in for the new types of advancement points, although the only way to currently earn them is either via the cheat option, or from certain Specialist scenes. If you've already run through the Specialist plotlines, you can replay the Relationship decision scene to get some points for them. I do want to point out one thing, however - while Specialists have a preferred endgame path, points you collect for the path you don't take will be largely useless to you. Therefore I recommend you stay true to yourselves, rather than just telling Specialists what you think they want to hear. ;-)

The GUI appearance and point values are still prone to change, of course. I also want to note that I've increased the memory requirements of the WebGL version, and will be playing around with that a bit more. As the game gets larger with more art files, the already-unstable WebGL version's been getting a bit more so. It's not a perfect solution though, as increasing the amount of memory the game tries to allocate may make it less likely to load at all in some browsers. If anyone out there is a regular player of the online WebGL versions, let me know how it works for you, if at all - I may end up having to discontinue it if it mostly just gives people a bad impression of the game due to crashes.

In any case, patch notes below, game links to follow. Enjoy!

v0.45.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated
  • Numerous modifications made to support the Progression system:
    • There are now three kinds of Coup advancement points: General (the original points), Liberator, and Infiltrator. Loading a save from an old version will assign the latter two types to match the General points.
    • The sidebar display has been updated to display the three point types, and the Text To Speech readout has also been updated.
    • The main tutorial has been updated to discuss the advancement system in a bit more detail.
    • The advancement cheat option has been expanded to apply points to all categories.
    • Each point category has been capped at 10000. (This would likely only ever be reached using cheats and is far more than will be required)
  • Advancement Points have now been added to Specialist Recruitment and Relationship Decision Scenes:
    • You will only receive points for the first time you do each of these scenes for each Specialist. If you have done the Recruitment scene for a Specialist in a previous version, you will receive bonus points the next time you do their Relationship scene.
    • Telling a Specialist you wish for Peace in a Recruitment scene will acquire you Liberator points. Telling them you wish for a Coup will acquire Infiltrator points. This selection will be remembered for the Relationship scene (unless the selection was made in an older version). You will get double the amount of points if you choose the path the Specialist is more inclined towards.

Mission Content:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • Nude Feminine Switch portraits updated.
  • Masculine and Feminine Nurse Switch portraits added.
  • Dynamic backgrounds added for Military Camp-based missions.

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • The main game tutorial button will now only be available in the office, and the tutorial will close if you leave the office or advance time in the middle of it.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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