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Evening all, it's time for the State of the Game! First up, as usual, you can find the free release of v0.43.1 up on the project blog page!

This month will be something of a shift for me, as it will be the first time in a very long time that I don't have any major writing tasks on my plate. I talked a fair bit about the progression update plans last month, so I won't repeat myself here, but I can get a bit more specific about the schedule. This month's laid out so that one release cycle is going to be a fair bit shorter than the other, but my current plan is for the next release to be around the 18th. I may bump this up a week however if there's enough in to show off (such as if we get a few art items in this week). In any case, the first tasks on my list are to implement some basic code work, add in advancement points to the Specialist plotlines, and review mission encounter rewards for points that should be reassigned towards one game goal or the other. The other big task is to add in a system for pumping points out of your citizen recruits, and that likely won't be in until the month's second release.

Aside from system work, there is of course artwork. Artist TDK has finished some other assignments and come back onto the project, and has already completed some Switch portrait updates and variants that will be going in soon. Work has also been continuing on Military Camp mission backgrounds, and a Sorority CG, and you can expect to see some previews of one or more of these next week sometime. The next HD Art Pack update for Overseers will be this coming weekend.

If all goes well this month, I may even have some time to start work on filling out the Office Upgrades functionality, but I'll talk about that more later if I do get that far. For now, still plenty of work to do with progression! So, in review:

August Accomplishments:

  • Two Specialist Romance scenes, with seven branches
  • One new Specialist CG with 6 variants
  • Many Specialist portrait variants added
  • Numerous bug and editing fixes

September Forecast:

  • Progression System updates to set the game up for the Endgame phase
  • Artwork including backgrounds, CGs and portrait variants


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