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Sup all, it's time for the State of the Game! As I'm sure you've been expecting, you can find v0.38.1 now released to the public on the usual blog page!

Hope everyone's doing alright out there! I've been working from home for the day job for about two weeks now, which hasn't affected project development much, but it is quite a bit more relaxing for me, so there's that. Last month went about according to schedule, without the mission encounters I was thinking of doing, but with a few more Specialist scene variants to balance it out. Our poll last month ended with a four-way tie, so picking the top three from that list, we can expect to see some Piledriver, Switch, and Hummer action. That will hopefully leave a bit extra time left over, which will either go towards mission encounters or starting on Octo, we'll see when we get there. I don't generally decide which Specialists will get extra scene versions until I start writing them, but I think we can expect Switch to have a little something extra to offer at least.

Artwise, artist TDK will be taking a bit of a break from the project until they're less busy, but we still have two artists on (freelance) staff who will be working on CGs and Mission art, so no worries there. The next HD art pack update for Overseers is currently planned for next weekend.

I'm currently planning for the next release to be around 4/17, with the second at the end of the month as usual. I'll be checking in with the usual polls and updates before then though, so don't forget to check in!

In summary:

March Accomplishments:

  • Romance Scenes added for 3 Specialists, with 8 scene variations
  • Two CG sets with 12 variants, from artists Suki and Vin 4ART!
  • Various bug fixes and code updates

April Forecast

  • Three more Specialist Romance scenes!
  • Hellfire and Mission art!
  • Maybe Mission Encounters?

Thanks for playing!



Hi there, thanks for your hard work. Where should we submit bug reports? There's this weird bug which makes scenes appear randomly where they shouldn't be. Also when talking to Hellfire about the first meeting, reminiscing after remembering does nothing. Thanks again!


Here is fine, or there's a channel on the discord. It could be you're referring to the 'random encounters' that can happen during break periods, though perhaps I could better signpost that those are supposed to be happening. I'll take a look into Hellfire, though there are some parts not implemented there yet. Thanks!


Ooh I think you may be right! I thought I had stumbled into scenes out of sequence but what you said makes sense, cheers.


Hey, just wanted to confirm I've tracked down and fixed the Hellfire issue for the next release, just a bit of an if/else logic gap. As a workaround til then, going directly to the sex scene should work. Thanks again for the report!