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Evening all, time for the monthly State of the Game! As usual, you can find the latest free release, v0.37.1 now up on the usual blog page!

My main announcement for the month is that I've decided to change some of my scheduling plans. A few months back I mentioned that I had acquired some 3d Unity assets which I was going to try and use as a basis for mission background images, so that I could keep our artists focused on other things (ie, sex scenes). However, after some more consideration, I've changed my mind.

First off, this would've probably been at least a full release cycle, maybe more, of messing around with models and not really producing any interesting content. Second...I was kind of having doubts that 3d models combined with static 2d art would even look halfway decent when done. So instead I've decided to put mission backgrounds into the regular art queue (after we finish the last Hellfire scenes). The downside is indeed that there'll be less artist time spent on sex scenes. The upside is that I can skip ahead a few weeks and go right into Specialist Romances!

It's been a long time since I've been able to focus almost entirely on writing out scenes, so it's hard to say exactly what my output will be, but I'm aiming for at least 3 a month and perhaps 4. Based on the last poll results, Sorority's second scene will be included in the next release, with Double D's and Grunt's aimed for the second monthly update. Specialists will likely be the focus for the next 4 months or so, with any extra time going towards mission bonus encounters, bug fixes, quality of life improvements and so on. And of course, the art will keep rolling in!

So, in summary:

February Accomplishments:

  • Exploration finally added to Exploration Missions!
  • 1 New Text Scene
  • 8 Mission Bonus Encounters
  • 2 CG sets (for 12 variants) from artists Suki and Vin4ART!

March Forecast:

  • 3-4 Specialist Romance scenes (Sorority, Double D, Grunt, and possibly Piledriver)
  • Portrait updates added to existing bonus encounters (already completed), and possibly more encounters
  • Art including the final Hellfire sets, and Specialist Romances (Octo's likely coming next!)

Thanks for your support!


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