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Evening all, and Happy Valentine's Day! For those of you not otherwise occupied this evening, we have our first release for the month!

I'm glad to say that an explorable map has now been added to Missions with all of the features I was aiming for in this release - not the most elaborate exploration system a game's had, but not bad for a few days of work if I say so myself. The patch notes gives a summary of how it works, but to go into more detail:

  • All maps are on a 5x7 grid, with a fixed start point (green) and end point (red).
  • Maps are generated by randomly merging a few pre-generated paths, with Secondary Encounters distributed along those paths. On Easy and Medium difficulty missions, it may be possible to reach the final encounter without hitting any of the secondaries.
  • You can go back and forth, so you may choose to explore multiple paths to hit every encounter on a map.
  • As each mission type has four Secondary Encounters written for it, doing a Hard mission requires being able to pass all four in a single go. Once an encounter is...encountered...you must beat it or Abandon the mission.

In addition to the maps, we also have a small set of 3 Hellfire CG variants, or a quarter of what will eventually go into that scene. Enjoy!

For our next release this month, my primary goal will be writing up Octo's first romance scene. Any time I have left over after that will likely go into small bonus encounters which will be added into missions. While I may revisit maps again in the future for larger changes (such as making them a bit more elaborate or adding more possible paths), for the moment my focus will be moving on to other things. For now, patch notes below, links to follow!


v0.38.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Mission Content:

  • Mission Map generation has been implemented, requiring some navigation during exploration missions.
  • Mission Difficulty has been implemented, with the following levels:
    • Easy - Has two short paths and 2 Secondary Encounters
    • Medium - Has one short path, one medium path and 3 Secondary Encounters
    • Hard - Has one long path and 4 Secondary Encounters
    • Specialist Loyalty Missions will always have 2 Secondary Encounters

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • Male Hellfire/Female Overseer Missionary CGs added to scenes and gallery.

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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