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Hey all, it's time for our first release of the month! This cycle I had a bit more time than usual to do some play testing and code diving, so while there isn't a great deal of new content, there is a fair bit for me to discuss tonight. So, let's get into it!

First off, all of the Specialist 'Loyalty' missions have now had rewards added to each encounter. I want to note that there was no particular balancing in mind when rewards were assigned - recruits aren't evenly distributed per species or such, they merely fit what I had in mind when I was writing the mission. Later on I may look into setting up minor rewards to find during exploration to fill in any gaps.

Second, I was able to hunt down a few odd behaviors I'd been noticing but which weren't entirely consistent. The biggest of those being the random encounter scenes that may appear during 'break' periods in the day. There's two different ways to display these scenes - one when they first randomly appear, and one when you review an old scene later on. I was running both methods through the same function, and as it turns out in some situations the wrong logic path would be the one firing off, causing a couple different kinds of issues. The bugs fixed in this release have been rather long-standing, and my apologies to anyone affected. If anyone ever happens to notice buggy behavior, feel free to leave a report here or in the discord!

Third, I'd like to give a heads up that due to some large personal bills that came up this month, and the fact that the majority of the game's art budget does come from my own pocket, I've had to put a slowdown on art commissions this month. There's one piece currently in progress which will hopefully be ready for the next release, but otherwise there may be a bit of a delay in finishing out the Hellfire CGs.

Speaking of the next release, I'd like to note that Switch's first Romance scene is already in progress, and once that's complete I'll be moving on to setting the Overseer portrait to update correctly in missions. Hopefully next month we'll be all set up to add in some Exploration to the feature, finally! For now, patch notes below, patron links to follow:

 v0.37.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Mission Content:

  • Rewards added to Loyalty Mission Encounters.

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Several typos and text color tags corrected.
  • Corrected issue with Vessian Director/Hispanic Female Overseer CG using the wrong variant image.
  • Fixed Issue where Sorority's dialog and ability in Missions were swapped with Piledriver's, if Sorority was grouped with anyone other than Grunt or Piledriver.
  • Fixed several issues relating to random encounter scenes, and cleaned the system up a bit:
    • Issue where getting a scene would unlock the wrong scene in the review list.
    • Issue where the player might get dumped into the review list when not expecting it.
    • The review list now has a 'Return to Office' option at the end so you can get out without revisiting a scene.
    • You can now only get 1 random encounter scene in a day, and won't get one immediately after a Hellfire Office Upgrade scene.​

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.



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