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Evening all, time for the State of the Game! As usual, our latest free update is now up at the usual blog page. Lots of art items in this one!

This was a pretty successful month, by my standards at least. All of the coding tasks required for our current primary tasks (loyalty missions, specialist romances, and department CGs) should now be out of the way. For the next few months then, it should all be content writing on my end. Our artists are currently working on more department scenes for you, although I should note that these are some of the most artistically complex scenes in the game, so this will be a 'quality, not quantity' time period as far as art goes.

Specifically, my goals this month are for Double D and Hummer missions for a release around the weekend of the 19th, and Piledriver's first romance scene in the second half of the month. Additionally, our next HD art pack update will likely be this coming weekend. So, in summary:

June Accomplishments:

  • 2 Loyalty Missions
  • 1 Specialist scene, and associated code work
  • 4 Art items from artists Suki and Vin4ART!

July Forecast:

  • Double D and Hummer Loyalty Missions
  • Piledriver Romance scene
  • Department scenes possibly including Secret Police, Scientists, and Pilots

Thanks for playing!


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