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Evening readers, time for the State of the Game! First, v0.28.1 is now up for the public at our usual blog downloads page, bringing the first mission content to our freebie followers. As a reminder, this represents the mission feature at essentially an alpha stage of development, but feel free to enjoy the taste of things to come.

Next up, content plans. As I mentioned yesterday, NPC romance scenes got pushed back due to other work that came up, however mission content does remain the priority. So for the first June update my focus will be on Sorority and Switch loyalty missions, with us taking another shot at getting Grunt some action later in the month. Fortunately there probably won't be too much code work this month, allowing me to focus on writing.

The other big area to discuss is artwork. Artist TDK is on vacation for a few weeks, but even so we're very close to finishing up both specialist hangouts and Overseer/Director scenes. Once those are complete, we'll be going back to doing scenes for some of the department plotline 'climax' scenes. We did hit a few a while back, but most were skipped over due to things like not having designs for the Overseer or Figura or such at the time. Once those are  done we can take a look at doing Overseer/Specialist scenes, and hopefully I'll actually have some written up by time the artists get to them. I'd like to thank our artists again for their record-breaking amount of output this month.

On the schedule, our next HD art pack will be next weekend, with its many new items to add, and the next release will be in about two weeks. So, in review:

May Accomplishments:

  • 1 New Exploration Mission
  • Four new backgrounds and four sets of Director scenes, from artists Vin4Art, Suki, TDK, and Mango!
  • Mission functionality including specialist abilities
  • Some behind-the-scenes code work on furthering Specialist relationships

June Forecast:

  • More missions including Sorority and Switch's loyalty missions
  • The final specialist backgrounds and Director scenes
  • Specialist Romance

Thanks for playing!


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