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Evening all, time for the state of the game! First up, v0.27.0 is now up for the public at our usual blog page! We're skipping ahead a release in this cycle due to the annoying settings bug that popped up in v0.26.1, we should be back on the normal schedule with v0.27.1 next month. I can also note that we got in a few more recent art items this weekend which you'll find in the next release, one of which is previewed above. Beyond that, I have no particularly major news items to announce at the moment. With UI bugs largely put to rest and bonus chapters now on hiatus, I should be able to focus more fully on getting some early version mission content established this month.

For other scheduled items, the next HD art pack will likely go up next weekend, with our next release about a week after that. There's still a bit more codex I can work in, and as usual you can expect some sort of scene content in the latter half of the month. So, in summary:

March Accomplishments:

  • 1 new Codex entry, 1 new Hellfire scene
  • 3 sets of Director/Overseer scenes, from artists TDK and Suki!
  • 1 new Watch Station Stories chapter
  • UI bug fixes

April Forecast:

  • More Codex and scenes
  • Background and Director scene artwork, including the above and more of the Lencist Director
  • Enough mission functionality to hopefully have something that can be played through, if not exactly pretty

Thanks for playing!



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