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Evening, players! It's time again for another Carnal Coup update, although I will be upfront with you - this is perhaps one of our smallest updates yet. There's a number of factors for this: the short calendar cycle, some of the work being behind the scenes, and that I had to spend some of my project time this week getting tax paperwork in order (the perils of being a legitimate smutmonger). I won't let you got entirely without your fix though, so we do have a few new codex entries which may help to shed some light on the background of the setting.

For our next release, I do plan to have at least one new Hellfire scene included (higher tier patrons, see the recent poll). As for the Mission content, I'm not expecting anything to be ready in-game by next release at the moment, but I will attempt to get things to the point where I can show off the current status with some screenshots at least. Also, Overseers should be able to expect the next HD Art Pack update this weekend.

Game links to follow, patch notes below:

v0.25.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • Setting - GPU
  • Setting - Watch Station

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


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