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Evening all, time for your monthly State of the Game! First up, I'll just confirm again that our next free release will be tomorrow night, so watch this space if you've been eagerly waiting.

Second, I wanted to note that we're nearing the end of the 'Specialist Flirts' portion of content development. It did take longer than I was expecting, but we're almost there! We just have Sorority and Double D left on the list, and I expect those to be wrapped up by the next release. This incidentally means that my schedule for the second half of the month is currently rather blank. I normally open up a development poll a week or so into the month, but I'll probably be setting that up this weekend so that patrons can select our next development priority.

Artwise, we already have a few updates for our next release. Our final planned Citizen Seduction CG has been finished, so artist Suki will now be helping out on the Director/Overseer scenes. Our current schedule has the next release, and the next bonus chapter being out in about two weeks from now, and the monthly HD Art Pack update will be going out this weekend. For the latter half of the month, we do have the holiday season picking up here, but hopefully the time off the day job will just give me time to be more productive on whichever of our next tasks we end up going with. 

In summary:

October Accomplishments:

  • 7 Text Scenes
  • 3 Director Portrait sets and 2 CGs added (from artists TDK, Vin4Art and Suki) 
  • 1 Watch Station Stories chapter (from writer F.W. Smith) 

November Forecast:

  • Completion of Specialist Flirts with Sorority and Double D
  • Artwork including Citizen and Director CGs, and Citizen scene backgrounds
  • Starting on a new content task! (Patrons, watch for polls)

 Thanks as always for playing!


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