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Evening players! I'm glad to announce that v0.19.1 is now released to the public on our game blog, bringing the game's updated tutorial to all! As for this month's release, we're now getting deep into the Specialists...well, content-wise, at least. Last month saw some strong art production by Vin4Art and TDK, with four new sets of specialist portraits being added, as well as a number of flirty new text scenes. We have in fact now finished the Specialist portrait art, and our artists are already working on portraits for the Department Directors (one is actually already completed).

Scene-wise, you can expect a continuation of flirt scenes, starting with Piledriver and moving on to Hummer and Princess based on previous poll results. We also had a winner for our random encounter polls, so you can expect to see some shapeshifter fun with a Roth worker coming up soon!

My side focus on accessibility updates will also continue this month. With last month's fixes, I believe the game's core gameplay is now accessible in audio mode, however that still leaves some of the secondary screens: options, saves, codex. In addition, the TTS library I'm currently using could probably use replacement. On top of that, I also have a small list of Quality of Life improvements which I may have some time to get in this month (through certainly not everything).

For this month's schedule, you can expect to see the monthly HD art pack update in the next few days. v0.21.0 will be up in about two weeks, with our next bonus story chapter shortly after. Our next development poll will also be up in about a week. Plenty to look forward to!

In review:

August Accomplishments:

  • 6 Text Scenes
  • 4 Specialist Portraits, and expanded use of existing portraits
  • 1 Watch Station Stories Chapter
  • Expanded Accessibility Fixes

September Forecast:

  • Specialist Flirts: Piledriver, Hummer, Princess
  • Director Portraits: Maelish, Roth, Harian, ?
  • Additional Accesibility and QoL Improvements

Thanks for playing!


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