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And, with all the releases updated, it's time to talk a bit about current game progress. I'm glad to say that, barring any extreme circumstances, we'll be finished with Phase 1 development goals by the end of the month, and even be starting on Phase 2 goals! As a reminder, Phase 2 includes things like Specialist Romances and Exploration Missions - I'm planning to focus this month's development poll on determining exactly where we start. A likely important poll to vote in, so keep an eye open. In other poll news, we had no votes on random encounters this month, so rather than pick one at random myself I will instead be spending the time finishing off the Roth introduction.

In other development news, we should be expecting the female Maelish designs soon. Mango, our artist assigned to Specialist designs, has unfortunately been taken out by technical issues, but I'm currently bringing on another artist to hopefully have Piledriver in the game by the end of the month. Schedule-wise, important (estimated) dates include: next weekend for the HD Art Pack, the weekend after next for the next Watch Station Stories chapter, the third week of May for v0.17.0, and v0.17.1 at the end of the month. And remember, keep an eye out for those polls!

In Review:

April Accomplishments:

  • 7 Text Scenes
  • Switch, Male Maelish, and Vessian Department Artwork (by artists Mango, TDK, and Suki)
  • A new Watch Station Stories Chapter (by writer F.W. Smith)
  • 6 Codex Entries

May Forecast:

  • Completion of the Roth introduction, and Phase 1 with it
  • Female Maelish, Piledriver, and TBD CG Artwork
  • The first work on Phase 2 objectives

I'm excited to be this close to having all of the races introduced and in the game, after all this time. But there's still plenty to do, and one may always hope that the best is yet to come! Thanks for all your uspport!


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