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Evening folks, time for the monthly State of the Game! As mentioned previously, Phase 1 content for the Maelish Pilots is now complete, minus a Codex entry which is already waiting to go into v0.16. This leaves us with the Roth Workers before moving into Phase 2, which will take all of April and probably a good chunk of May. However, I've looked into getting some help on getting a head start on our Phase 2 features (in particular, the Exploration Missions), so with any luck we'll be able to get into that at a full run, rather than me having to turn off content for a while to switch back into coding mode.

Aside from insectoids, which I know you've all been waiting for (best for last, right?), I'm also hopeful for having some new artwork to roll out for you guys this month. Unfortunately artist schedules meant March kind of got a miss on that front, but there are a few items nearing completion. The next HD Art Pack update is currently scheduled for next weekend, though I may adjust that if it means more goodies to toss in there, and our next Stories chapter is currently planned for the weekend of the 14th. We also had a new Harian scene win the last Overseer poll, so you can expect to see that in this month as well!

In review:

March Accomplishments:

  • 8 Text Scenes
  • Our first music (from SIGINT)!
  • A new Stories from Watch Station chapter (by writer F.W. Smith)

April Forecast:

  • Catching up on Codex entries
  • Lots of Femdom Bugs
  • New Citizen, NPC, and CG artwork

Thanks for your support! And I hope you'll all put up with another month or two of me making puns about putting bugs into the game, har har. It's that kind of creative genius that got you all interested in this little project, I know.


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