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Hey guys, figured I'd give you an official summary of our recent poll results! First off, for our Liberator+ poll on the Specialist NPC designs, we had a tie between the Lencist Piledriver and the Vessian Sorority, to follow the current target (the Celopi Switch). Using the tiebreaker rule of order takes precedence, that means Piledriver is next on the list! Hopefully we'll be getting to him in the next month or so, and incidentally, we may have a Switch preview out for some of you folks later this week.

For the general opinion poll, we had about an even split for slower relationship building, and for getting right to the steamy stuff. I may be able to balance this out a bit by having different Specialists wanting different kinds of relationships, if you have any preferences for who goes which way, feel free to drop a suggestion. In more skewed results, we had a number of people ask for longer scenes, and no one asking for shorter ones - perhaps unsurprising, but I'll take it as a good sign that no one's asking for less of my writing, heh.

Thanks for all your responses! Although it may still be a few months away, I'm looking forward to digging into the Specialist and mission systems I've been planning on for a while. Just need to get the bugs into the system first...


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