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So, again, if you're a follower of many creators this is probably old news by now (only slightly jealous of those who get to do this as a day job...), but Patreon's announced that they will not be changing their fee structure. The right move, and hopefully not too late. While a project of Coup's size is always more prone to sudden swings, I can say that the announcement lost us more funding than the change would have supposedly given us. So, thanks for that, Patreon.

A much less sarcastic thanks to all of you who've stuck by us, or may return! With all that (hopefully) now behind us, I'll just say that we are still hard at work for our release at the end of this week, including our first Roth-focused scene. December is always a crazy time schedule and money-wise, but there's always time for making smut for those with the time to enjoy it! 


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