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Hey guys, hope you enjoyed your turkey this week, if you're into that sort of thing (no judging). To help spread the holiday spirit a bit, I have a special contest offer! As you know (or may not), each month the project updates include an in-game 'random encounter' scene, as well as a non-game bonus story. The scenarios for these scenes are generally chosen at a general theme level by poll, but for this weekend only we're offering a special chance for one of you to direct specifically the kind of scene you'd like to have written!

Here's how it works: a 'raffle entry' poll post will be put up for all $2+ patrons for the weekend, voting in the poll enters you in the raffle. As an extra bonus, all $5+ patrons who enter will be entered twice! At the end of the poll, I'll select a winner, and we can hash out the scene you want to see. Simple! Other than the following fine print:

  • Entries must be from patrons in good standing who are current subscribers at the time of the poll's closing.
  • Scene requests must fit with the lore of the game, not include anything that will get the game banned from Patreon, and will be subject to editing.
  • Winner must respond with their request in a reasonable time frame, or a new winner may be chosen.
  • Other terms & conditions may apply.

The raffle entry post will be going up shortly, thanks for your support! 


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