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It's patch day! Today we get the first real introduction of the Celopi to the game, as well as a nice batch of artwork. In particular, this release features the first contribution of Suki262 to the project, with a CG for the Lencist Specialty scene! 

We also have a new cheat option in this release; the ability to automatically unlock all Random Encounter scenes for review. Tossing this one in for those of you who've been keeping up with content, and don't particularly feel like like pounding the time advance buttons until the RNG brings the scenes up on their own. Gotta save that wrist energy for more important uses, after all.

Various other notes for you today, one being that I'd like to give an update on the current development poll status, which is currently tied between a new race and mid-game development. I just want to remind folks that in the event of a tie, the winner will be the first option in the list, in this case giving preference to new races over the mid-game. If you feel like breaking the tie, well, there's a week left in the poll. Another thing I'd like to mention is that I've been giving some thought to launching a public Discord server for the game, possibly as soon as this weekend, so look forward to that! Unless I change my mind, in which case, look forward to other things, like more Celopi content! Also speaking of future content, I'll remind folks again that next month will be v0.10.x, not v1.0, just in case anyone was getting their hopes up prematurely. Still a lot of content left to go, but this month we've got:

v0.9.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

* New Cheat Option: Unlock All Random Encounters

Scene Content:

* Celopi Dept Scene 1 & 2

* Celopi Dir Scene 1

* Celopi Specialist Intro (with placeholder text for followup scenes)

* Random Encounter: Camera Voyeur

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed/Nude Male Vox Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.

* 9 Clothed/Nude Female Vox Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.

* Lencist Citizen CG added to Lencist Specialty scene & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected some text issues in the Citizen Seduction: Oral scene.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.

* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


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