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Welcome to a special State of the Game post, our half year Patreon anniversary! Although our project is modest, I'm pleased by our accomplishments so far, and thankful for everyone who's decided this little smut adventure is worth supporting!

For September I'm planning to kick things back in gear for the Celopi, and introducing you all to our psychic boys and girls in blue. There's still one more non-racial Citizen scene left on the to-do list as well, which I plan to check off by the end of the month. Overseer customization may see more progress also, and I currently have artwork coming in for that purpose. Current schedule highlights include: Overseer Art Pack release this weekend, Chapter 3 of our bonus stories series the weekend after, and v0.9.0 in about two weeks. 

So, to look at where we are right now:

August Accomplishments:

* 6 new text scenes

* Several new save functions

* Introduction of the Stories from Watch Station series

* Recruitment of a new artist, Suki (expect to see her first contributions this month!)

September Forecast:

* Celopi introductory content

* Final non-Specialty Citizen content

* Artwork for Vox & Lencists

* Continuation of Overseer customization functionality

One final note, this month I plan to include "move forward to mid-game phase development" to our monthly Liberator poll options. This will be a rather complicated subject, so you can expect to see a bit of a mid-game roadmap post in a week or so. Until then, enjoy your smut!


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