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Patch day, Patch day, goin' down on Patch day

Our first August release will be going up momentarily, and with v0.8.0, the Vessian early-game content is now complete! We also have a special scene with a new soldier in the Commando pool...

Aside from scene content, though, I also have a few new features that haven't been entirely polished off yet, so I'd like to go into a bit more detail on those. After all, you're not here for alien boobmonsters, I know what really gets you hard and/or wet is...Autosaves! Right? Right. So yea, two new game save slots have been added, Autosave and Quicksave. Autosave will save automatically at the end of each week, and may be particularly useful for those of you who enjoy the WebGL version but also get hit by the occasional memory crash. The Quicksave slot can be saved to with '-', and loaded from with '='. This functionality is not yet explained in-game, I'll try to get the tutorial updated for next release.

The other new feature is naming your Overseer! This is just the first piece of the larger 'customize your Overseer' puzzle which is still being worked on, this function will likely change somewhat by next release, and is pretty minimal at the moment. Currently, when starting a new game, you can enter in a first and last name after selecting your gender presentation. For those of you who are playing off of older saves, you will be given a default name of 'Morgan Masters', however you can change this name from the Options screen. This button will likely be moved to a cheat option a few versions down the line. Now, I've generally avoided using the Overseer's name up to this point - the last name about once and the first name about never. I'll be changing this in future scenes, and I will at some point probably go back to older scenes and add it in where appropriate.  

As for upcoming content, the 2nd chapter of Watch Station Stories is currently planned to be released next weekend, and v0.8.1 in about two and a half weeks. Work is progressing on Vox visual designs, and I hope to have something to share on that front in the near future. In the meantime, patch notes!

v0.8.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

* Autosave added (saves every week)

* Quicksave added ('-' to save, '=' to load)

* Savegames will now indicate the version the file was created from

* Players can now enter the Overseer's first and last names during game start, these names will be used in future scenes

* As a temporary savegame-compatibility option, players can also set their name at any time from a new button on the Options panel. If no name is set, "Morgan Masters" will be the Overseer's name when using an old save.

Scene Content:

* Vessian Dept Scene 5

* Vessian Specialist Reveal Scene

* Random Encounter: Commando Pool

Art Content:

* None

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* Controls for quicksaves/loads are not yet described in-game.

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.

* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


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