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Time for the State of the Game! And things are looking pretty good! While the Patreon did have some modest growth in regular patrons over the past month, we also had a sizable amount of turnover with new patrons and hit-and-run subscribers, which overall means our final August numbers are about two thirds higher than last months! Of course, regular subscribers are what provides a consistent base with which to pay the bills, so a particular thanks to everyone who's joined up and stuck around!

As I've mentioned previously, this month we're starting a new set of Patron rewards, so to recap for you what's coming up:

- $5 Liberators (and up) will get access to a new monthly bonus story written by our new author, Francis Smith! These stories will be written from the perspective of unknown citizens of the station, showing how things look from a non-infiltrator's eye, and will be downloaded here from the site outside of the game itself. The first story is planned to go up next weekend, featuring some of our diminutive friends.

- $10 Overseers will get access to a collection of all of the artwork produced for the game! In some cases this may even include artwork that hasn't actually entered the game itself yet, or bonus sketch previews. The first collection is also planned to go up next weekend.

Also, to announce the results of the Overseer Random Encounter poll, we had agreement on desire for more Commando action, but a tie on the specific scenario, so there may be a bit of a surprise to come...

Aside from that, however, I do have one bit of bad news on the personal front. As I've mentioned, this project is not how I make my living (at least...yet). At my day job yesterday, I was informed that due to poor scheduling estimates made by others, I will be required to do mandatory overtime at the office for the entirety of August. Now, I will try my best to still complete everything I had planned for August, but given the planned focus on the already-time-consuming Citizen scenes, it's probably inevitable that some things will drop off the back end. As a preemptive apology, and since I apparently have some overtime pay coming my way anyways, I've commissioned a second bonus story for August from  Francis, which will be made available to all $2 Infiltrator-tier patrons and up! You can probably expect this chapter out around the mid-month mark.

So, to wrap things up with what we completed in July, and aim to have for you in August, we have:

July Accomplishments:

* 8 new text scenes

* New Lencist citizenry artwork

* Recruitment of a new team member!

August Forecast:

* Final Vessian early game content

* Filling out of Citizen Seduction scenes

* QoL coding improvements

* Possible Celopi introduction

* Artwork for Vox citizenry and Overseer options

Current release schedule for August will be v0.8.0 at the end of next week (so a bit of a shorter one), and v0.8.1 in the last week of the month. If anyone has any requests for Quality of Life improvements or other fixes, feel free to suggest them in the comments, even if I don't have time for them this month they will be noted for the future. Thanks again for your support!


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