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July's second update is upon us! This release is a bit of a mix of Vessian and Citizen content, there's still a small bit of Vessian content remaining to complete which should be wrapped up in August. We also have some new art from artist TDK, which you may get to see if you can successfully seduce a cyborg.

I'll talk a bit more about upcoming features in the monthly update post next week, but I will give a heads up that the new August patron rewards are planned for early August, but not on the 1st, so some patience may be required. Also, I did want to make one particular mention re: citizen scenes. I am currently putting in some of the work required to make the scenes work for a Schen (herm) morphed player. However, I will probably not revisit old scenes and activate this option until Schen as a whole are properly introduced to the game. For now, you'll have to settle for a boring single set of genitalia, my apologies.

As usual, game links for patrons will follow in the next post. Thanks for playing!

v0.7.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* None

Scene Content:

* Vessian Citizen Specialty Scene

* Vessian Specialist Convos 2 & 3

* Citizen Seduction - Dirty Talk Scene

Art Content:

* Added Lencist Citizen Massage Scene (in-game when performing a Massage with at least one Lencist partner, and Gallery)

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected issue where Exit confirmation panel would appear beneath certain Option panels when hitting escape.

* The main text scrollpane will now automatically revert to the top of the scroll whenever the scene changes.

* Corrected issue where background images may be hidden prematurely.

* Corrected missing gender text switch in Terran Librarian scene.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.

* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


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