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It's a new month, and that means it's time for the State of the Game! First off, happy Independence and Canada Day weekends to our North American players, I hope you get a long weekend off to spend with your games! Or, iunno, friends and family or whatever it is I hear people do on holidays.

We'll start off by covering the June poll results. Our Overseer poll has requested a scene featuring a fun librarian encounter, I suppose even in space, there's no getting away from the classics. And this month, it'll even feature one of those exotic humans. Kinky! Meanwhile, our Liberator poll has requested that, rather than introducing a 5th race next month, that I instead take some time to fill out the missing Citizen seduction scenes. I've talked about that a bit previously, but I'd like to go into it a bit again.

As I mentioned before, Citizen scenes are by far the most complex to write, due to the number of possible variants (784 different combinations in total), and the fact that they are quite physical and involve a lot of variable-mashing together. They take about 2-3 times as long as other scenes, and this is why they've slipped down on the priorities list so far. v0.7.0 will still focus on the remaining Vessian content, but the following releases may have fewer numbers of overall scenes for that reason. To also give myself something smaller to work on in between the heavy scenes, I'm considering spending some time as well on functionality-related development. Probably the top of my list is adding in the ability to choose the name of the Player Character (in advance of some other player options that are also in development). If there's any other Quality of Life type things you'd like me to work on, functionality, UI design, etc, or if you have particular Citizen scenes you'd like to see get priority, feel free to make suggestions in the comments!

So, to give a bit of review:

June Accomplishments:

* Added 10 new text scenes

* Added 9 nude and clothed variants each for Lencist male and female citizens

* Added Grunt art extras

July Forecast:

* Completion of Vessian early game content 

* Filling out of Citizen Seduction scenes (to be continued into August)

* Additional Scene art for Lencists and Harians, and visual designs for the Overseer

Before I go, I do have one final thing I'd like to mention. It was never quite my expectation that the game would reach the first $150 milestone in the first month, and I was aware that I'd most likely have to fund it out of my own pocket until at least the summer. We still haven't reached that tier, and I am still largely funding art and asset updates out my own pocket. The reason I'm mentioning this is I want to make it clear that I still enjoy working on this project, and I'm fine with running at a loss if that's what it takes to continue putting the game out - so there's no need to worry about the game shutting down because of financial reasons. In fact, I'm hoping to add on a third artist this month to the project to help fill out scenes while Phall and TDK continue ahead with design work.

That said, passing that tier would still mean more ability to add art, as well as possibly bring on additional writers, so your continued support is very appreciated. :) Every cent of your support is going directly into the growth of the game, so thank you!


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