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It's time for the State of the Game! First off, thanks to everyone who signed up, we had a pretty good month in terms of new pledges! 

Second off, the polls for May are in. The vital matter of Schen anatomy has been addressed; the hermaphroditic species will have internal gonads, meaning there will be no appearance of Schen balls in scenes unless things get really, really freaky. I hope we as a community can put this divisive issue behind us. This has been settled just in time, as well, as the poll-selected random encounter scene for June will contain a sizable number of Schen, and some zero-gee 'experiments'. 

To review where we've been and where we're going:

May Accomplishments:

* Got the Patreon switched over to Charge Upfront, which should help stabilize the project (for reference, about a quarter of our patrons this month either canceled in the final days of the month or had declined payments, which is what it is, but is generally something we'd like to avoid).

* Added 9 new scenes

* Added Specialist portrait functionality and the first set of portraits

June Forecast:

* The completion of Vox early game content

* More Vessian content

* Lencist citizen portraits and designs for the Overseer player character

The next game design poll for Liberators will probably go up next week, and v0.6.0 is currently planned for the 3rd weekend of June. As usual, if anyone has any questions or comments on the game, feel free to hit me up in comments, private message, or on discord. Thanks!

- DaScoot


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