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Episode 7 is here! 

It's about how kids change language each generation and why that's totally fine. 

We explore how far back we can trace complaints about the language of Kids These Days, why linguistic discrimination is harmful, and why “be like”, hyperbolic  “literally”, and other modern innovations are actually signs of  something awesome.

We also announce the Patreon for the first time on the podcast! If you're here, you already know about it - good job! And a bonus extra thanks for getting here via social media before we'd even put it up on the podcast itself 🎧💚🎉

For more information and links to stuff we mentioned in this episode, visit the show page http://lingthusiasm.com/post/159796192161/lingthusiasm-episode-7-kids-these-days-arent


07: Kids these days aren't ruining language by Lingthusiasm

There are some pretty funny quotes of historical people complaining about kids back then doing linguistic things that now seem totally unremarkable. So let's cut to the chase and celebrate linguistic innovation while it's happening.


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