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In case time has been rapidly slipping away from you and you can't believe there's only a week left of October (I know, I'm sorry), this is your reminder that you can get a sticker pack of all of the above Lingthusiasm stickers (including a signed Because Internet one!) by becoming a patron at the Ling-phabet tier or higher by Nov 3 (the website might show till Nov 4 for you depending on timezone, but don't count on it). 

Full details in the original announcement post, or if you've already decided you can click here to be taken to the exact right sub-page on Patreon

Stretch goal: bouba and kiki stickers

We're pleased to announce that thanks to several new phil-ling-thropists plus current patrons upgrading to the ling-phabet tier, we now only need to reach 1360 patrons in order to hit the stretch goal of also including bouba and kiki stickers in each sticker pack! That seems pretty doable! 

In answer to a few questions: 

When will the stickers arrive?
We'll be placing the order with the sticker company as soon as we have finalized numbers, probably the day after the special offer closes, and the sample batch took about 1-2 weeks for them to produce and deliver them to us, at which point add a few more days for us to get them all in envelopes and sent out, plus however long the mail takes. So, we do think the sticker pack is pretty likely to arrive in time for holiday season for most locations, possibly even by end of November, should you want to give someone one or more stickers as a gift. (We've also seen reports of supply chain issues lately, which hopefully won't impact us? But we're linguists, not global shipping experts, so the best we can say is that if we do end up running into anything like that we'll keep you informed.)

How much is shipping for the stickers?
Shipping anywhere is already included! As long as someone on our multi-continental team is able to ship to you, you'll get it! This seemed like the fairest way to do it, although it's likely that shipping may take a bit longer if you're outside North America (that's our first hop since it's closest to the sticker company).  

We've been having a lot of fun seeing people's answers roll in on our ~*~highly scientific~*~ Which IPA Character Are You quiz and then combining them with some ~*~secret sauce~*~ to come up with the results. ::mysterious gestures::

As ever, we're incredibly appreciative of every level of support and very much don't feel like you have to upgrade, we just don't want anyone to accidentally forget the date and then miss out on something you were intending on doing. Here's the link again if you don't like scrolling

Stay lingthusiastic!



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