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Mr Jackpots

The leading cause of death among South Koreans aged 10 to 39 is suicide. High School students spend 16 hours a day on school and school related activities. On top of that most of them put in another 2 hours a day in cram schools. Every student in South Korea is required to take the College Scholastic Ability Test. The test is graded on a curve and entrance to university is based on a student's score. Without a university degree you are nothing, unless you have talents in the areas of entertainment and athletics. There is nothing in Western countries that even comes close to what Korean children experience in school. It's a serious problem in South Korea which is why this episode was made.


16 hours a day includes the 2 hours at academies and that's not quite true. Your comment is a slight exaggeration of their life here. In all told seriously it's about 12-14 hours a day at max. It's illegal for any academy to teach minor students past 10pm. All studying at learning facilities must end by 10pm. High School starts at 9 or 9:30, The have a lunch break and ends at about 4:30-5. They then head home for dinner (most goof around with friends for about an hour or so) then head to any academies they have. High School classes at Academies start after 6pm usually go to 9pm rarely does any academy go to 10 these days post covid. They have a long day filled with studies but it's not 16 hours and it can be high stress but there is limited time in their schedule for socialization. As a teacher in Korea I can tell you the majority of my HS students always show up late to class because they are off messing around with their friends. They do not take the academy studies as seriously as they used to. This episode is a bit out of date and based on how it was when the WRITER went to school not how it actually is present day.