Why I no longer take *official* requests. (Patreon)
TL;DR: Hey, I don't take official requests anymore but I think we'll be ok.
Hello there. This is just a little update here to clarify some things as I've gotten a few messages regarding this matter.
When I started this Patreon page, I initially had some tiers where you guys could give suggestions which varied in length and general content type. I enjoyed fulfilling these requests a lot and it really introduced me to a variety of artists and tracks-- some of which now live in my personal playlists!
But fulfilling these requests on top of the regular weekly content on Patreon and on Youtube started to take a toll on me. I didn't want to get to a point where I would view working on these videos as a burden because my main drive for this whole thing is that I enjoy it. I hope this reasoning makes sense to you guys as well.
I'm extremely thankful to the patrons who were able to give official requests because I didn't feel pressured to put them out as soon as possible or react in a particular manner. Most of the pressure was from myself lol. I enjoy engaging with you guys and exploring new artists, and believe we can still do it without the request tiers.
I'm always open to your suggestions on the content we check out here!
I realize now it's better to acknowledge that I'm just one person and unfortunately can't cover everything immediately, and would rather pace myself than burnout. For now you're welcome to let me know if there's anything interesting we can check out together. My messages are open here and on discord as well.
That's it! Thanks for reading this rather rambly explanation. I just wanted to get this out there. I love Yo...ohyeon ♥️