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Mr Jackpots

The characters of the 3 hotel employees are developed more in this episode and the story reminds you that they are not alive, but ghosts who stayed behind to resolve a grudge. None of them would have plotted against Chan Sung when they were alive. They were all very fine people. You'll never guess where the story is going so just enjoy the ride. It hasn't gotten dark yet.

Mr Jackpots

Mago is the great creator Goddess of Korean mythology. In China she's known as Magu and probably found her way to Korea from there. She is the creator of everything and is especially seen as the protector of women. She had been forgotten in Korea until the mid 1980's when certain ancient texts where translated into Korean. She appeals very much to Korean women who are tired of the patriarchal structure of Korean society. There's a lot more about her nature that will be revealed in the show.