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Would love to see you catch up. There's a lot, but you can do it! There is no way you can vote now without being completely spoiled, especially after ep 8 eliminations. Love watching along with you. Seeing you go from questioning everything at the beginning to now getting invested and learning names.


Yea i would also like to see you catch up, don't worry about the way you react, the important part for me is that you are interested in it in a positive way. Some other reactors read their chat to much or are busy on their phone missing parts or even skip some parts i was interested in them seeing making me wonder if they are even interested in what they watch.


While I want you to catch up I am enjoying the pace of the reactions. You pay attention to the scenes/girls and even I notice things I didn’t notice on my first watch. Keep up the good work

Wayne W

GP999 convinced me to download the Universe app so I could vote for my favs, but there's so much talent that it's a struggle to vote. Agree with you on Sunmi's reactions and knowing exactly what she's thinking. She also may need glasses because she seems to squint a lot, but maybe that's her focusing. :)


man i am a big Jia supporter, this stage impressed me so much. It sucks that all of the blackpink stages had mistakes though. Being able to vote is pretty fun! It makes the elimination episodes even more suspenseful.


After the first couple episodes here I downloaded the app to vote and I planned on catching up to the show, but only made it a couple episodes before I got too busy with boring nonkpop life stuff. I think I'll just keep pace with CW for now, or an episode ahead? So any votes I cast may be with outdated information, but oh wells! Maybe I'll try to catch up for finale voting.