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I hate the fact that there’s 99 girls 😩 it makes it so hard to pick favorites and even see their growth if the same girls are always shown. I know this is a competition show but I feel like 99 was too big of a number! When I do the voting sometimes I still have no idea which girls to pick since they aren’t all shown.

Jake Twohig

It’s funny that Kang Ye-seo’s baby picture was one of the ones that took the longest to find. Since she was in the 7th most popular Korean movie of all time at about the age the photo was taken.

Wayne W

I'm current with the show and still don't know a bunch of their names. (On another note, not sure if the subs are hard to read for you, but setting the background transparency to 50% helped me. There's a settings icon that appears when you click on "Subtitle" to choose the language.)


I would describe oh my girl is a cute group with a dash of coolness. they have some awesome songs for sure, and they did really well on queendom. I am stoked to see them covered a lot more recently. I would do anything for a dreamcatcher stage too, although idk if they are "big" enough for a show like this. i will pass away from happiness if they ever get covered. Also i'm so bad with names, i know the girls i picked for voting but not many others, although i am starting to recognize most of the faces as familiar now. Each elimination hurts but it does get easier to pay attention to the girls who grab your eye and learn their names.


You'll learn members as you go along. Don't stress on it too much. Find your faves! But yes, there are some of us who watch WAY too much and know everyone by name, stuff from before the show, what agency, etc. The song you're hearing is their "Signal Song" called "O.O.O (Over Over Over)". They filmed and released this before the show started. There are 3 MVs for it, one for each group, K/C/J. The middle-school cell selection system for those not picked by T9 was definitely not the most ideal, but probably the most time-effective. If we got nearly 3hrs of edited content and only part of half the performances, that was a VERY long day for all of them. Had to have been 12+hrs. The GP999 dorms are definitely the best yet for girl group survival programs. (Idol School girls (became fromis_9) all slept in one room on just a mat one atfter another...) Every season has had a "morning mission" where they rudely awaken them all to rush and do something. This time, they were prepared XD You'll have to check out Oh My Girl. They have a mix of super sweet/dreamy songs and more fun upbeat stuff. The Fifth Season was their breakout hit that saved them from disbandment. They were on the show Queendom that gained them a lot of popularity. Then they released Nonstop in early 2020 that topped the charts all year long and had a b-side (Dolphin) that did just as well. Really established them as a huge player in girl groups. Yes, lots of eliminations, but gotta move fast when you cram it all into 11-12 episodes. Getting down from 99 to 9 takes some big cuts. Loved watching along with you. Can't wait for the next one.

mark love

hi lovely Ms Wookie, just asking how come the video is in 360p only ?


Hello! Since the file is so big, google drive takes some time to process it. You can download the file to get full resolution immediately!


I had to start taking notes, just like I did when Nizi Project first aired. 😅 I've never watched Produce 101 or 48, so this is the largest survival I've seen by a big jump.