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Based off art by Kokuhane, I made underwear of it with the matching logo! Not only is it dye able, it uses the thicker legs as its base and has two color sets you can play with to further change the color of the underwear itself and the symbol!

To turn on the glow, change the emission color of the 16th row in the color set to your desired color. To turn it off, just change the emission color back to black.

As always, feedback is appreciated so I can make adjustments before releasing it, thank you guys so much for supporting me!

Replaces the Coeurl Beach Briefs.




Any plans on releasing the thicker thighs as addon like hefty pecs ? o=


Im not sure, the textures and UV's still need a lot of work tbh, it really distorts things like tattoos and other custom things people have.


I would personally love to get it as an addon if it's possible. ^^