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With the release of Dawntrail, a lot of our mods that we know and love need to be updated and changed to match the new materials and format for Dawntrail. While we're all of course still waiting for mods to become more available to everyone post launch (big thanks to the dalamud devs of course!), what mods do you guys think should be updated first?

Using the new version of textools we all can update the file and texture format for ours mods ourselves, there is a handy tool in textools that does it automatically when you upload a Pre-DT mod into into it. You can even check out their handbook here about the new update to textools, its really something! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-NnGriuqhh5ZmItSZSH-nrIgsiFBN2_gFWWzPRVk-3s


It's actually pretty straightforward, I'm super impressed by this update to textools!


Chromatik Charma

Would to have hefty pecs late allagan gear, the beanie, and the tsar's combatant top again.

Mr. Haz

I want the Ironstone Orc to be updated. I miss it so bad! My pfp on discord is literally my Orcgadyn with that mod


Getting the sculpts to work for dawntrail is definitely a challenge that I'm still trying to figure out, but rest assured I hear you!