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It's time for the first part of the Q&A session!

How this will work, is that I will answer a few of the questions, depending on how long my answers are for each one.

So, let's get into it!


First Question for this part is from Jeffrey Fisher: "Is there a transformation that you used to hate, but now love? Or vice versa."

To answer this, there is one that I hated for years: Female to Male Transformations. These were something I was just not fond of at all. The flat and more muscular body, the shorter hair, all of it in one of those just "went against" what I liked doing.

It took an RP on Skype (remember when we all used that for chatting?) to get me to soften up a little on the concept. It was such a good RP to me that I made it into an actual story on dA. That story was "The Trial of Balance"

Ever since then, I absolutely love doing Female to Male TFs alongside Male to Female. This could've happened sooner if I just realized that I could just spin these my own way with my own style!


Second Question, from Youshihunter: "If you could take one of your OCs life's (as in be in their shoes) who would it be?"

Kevin would be the obvious answer for me, as it represents a more fantasized version of myself! The ability to be quite pretty regardless of gender, having that power to switch between genders and even having a sibling that loves and understands me. It would make a lot of sense for me to choose this one...HOWEVER, IT ISN'T.

My actual choice for this question...would be Sariel. Excluding her past, she has things made for her in life. Peace and quiet, a clear mind, immortality, all the power she wants, and people around her who understand her boundaries. Heck, I'd probably enjoy a little bit of "me time" given those circumstances.~


Third question, and the last question for this part, is from SK13E: "Anyone you hope to collab with on a story/series one day?"

Two people, really! I hope that one day, I could potentially collab with Thriller54321. I might've done it in the past with them, but I really would like to go at it again with them. Their animations, my story ideas and even TF styles, both together would be rather crazy in a collab.~

I would also like to collab with M3gaSn1p3r too! I've done a good deal of stuff with their characters in my stories (Veli, Vexa, Vedra) but I never really worked with them on a story that we both work on. Maybe, sometime soon...I'll be able to.~


That's all for today's part.~ Tomorrow, I'll answer another set of three.~

If any of you haven't put in questions yet, or added your second question, then please do so as soon as possible! I am adding more time for this, but once tomorrow's Q&A part is posted, that is it.~


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