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I hope you like this new batch. I recently picked up traditional again so I added some charcoal sketches at the end. I will try to add some from now on.

I think I will finish 2 of the wips this week.

Mirror: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dH4w-5CHUsJhQgqfNeY8jf3Q3d1j_Wh-?usp=sharing




Great job with all of these. From the first having a ponytail and licking her stocking. And the second one knowing what she has. And delivers. The 3 girl giving us that bottom view of her body, very nice. The fourth one doing some yoga. Lol, her friend doesn't want her nude. The 5th sketch has some good takes. The top short haired girl and the smokin hand stood out for me. I'd say rump is great and the foot is nicely detailed on the sixth one. Those 3 charcoal shots are phenomenal. That glamorous first one must have taken a while to do. Those feet and face shots are 👌. Cant wait to see those WIP shots in the future.


Today I learned what a rump is heh. The 1st characoal sketch was done the same day I posted took me an hour or so...but I really wish I had a bit more time with it. In retrospective going too stylized for the face was not a good call for this specific case. Next full body sketch will better!. I'm really glad you liked the wips, the horned girl with puckered lips will be posted either tomorrow or on Thursday. I've a good feeling about it, I feel I got a new general insight from it. Thanks again for the appreciation and kind comments SirSavage !