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Some time has passed since the survey so here is how the development is going now with real screens

Main Menu: I want to keep it simple you will get a random motivational quote , An overview of your points and daily streak, Figure Drawing will take you to other submodes that will generate practice sessions. App options contains settings and stats. Finally Unlockables is like a store in which you can use your points earned by practice to get some items. Please don't mind the font and other odd details too much at this point. 

Free and Class Modes:

Free mode will generate practice session with fixed intervals the 2nd one is more traditional: no matter the session you will get to draw poses at short intervals first and you will end with a single long pose. The xp points will be given based on how long the intervals are and some bonus events (ex: finishing a session without interrupting it)

After selecting the intervals or the session length, you will get to choose a folder of references and if you wish to flip the images at random too

Internal Library: You will get to select an internal library of images to complement your references the novel thing about these internal images is that they contain notes based on fundamentals.

Practice Session screen:  Here is the session itself, score and timer are visible by default but you can hide both. You can manually flip the images, skip them, show the notes (only internal library), show a grid, change to monochrome, delete the image (only function that does changes to disk), open the user image directory and probably some other features down the road. 

Options: Not only you will get to customize the experience a bit but you will also get some stats like: number of poses pratices, hours practiced, time until the daily streak is achieved (right now is 30 minutes)

Unlocks: Here you will get to use the xp points you earned to exchange them for things like quotes, different assistants, tips and more....Right now only the quotes module is operational though.

My idea is to implement a beta test once I feel the app is good enough for "daily driving" at this moment I cannot say for sure what tiers will be in this beta or when that's going to be but please be assured I will keep working towards this goal.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.



Delightful Destruction

Wow...did I miss something?? I had no idea you were working on something like this! I would love to beta test this and actually learn more about art in the process. Very good idea, I love this


Oh you missed this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56532504 No worries. Glad you're interested, That poll was mostly to get some general ideas to guide the development of this app. The app is centered around generating figure drawing practice sessions and tie them with gamification elements.

Ray W

Looks absolutely freakin' sweeeet! =D So excited for this to drop. Looks like you've been working really hard on it.


Looks amazing what platforms will this be on and will it be subscription based and will it have a leveling system like doulingo?


Thanks m&m. It's just windows for the moment. No subscription model, the app will be available as a reward for some tiers (probably 10$ and up) it might have some "expansion packs" for more notes, references and other content a bit later. It will contain some elements like Duolingo (earned points that can be used to unlock content is already implemented, so are daily streaks) but I'm not sure about the leveling tho.


I would love to beta test this! I think it’s a phenomenal idea!


I'm liking the look and the idea as a whole! I'm also curious if you will be partnering with any pose or stock photo service to have the additional photos to use for references within the app?


Thanks AyaneMatrix. At this point I've been so busy with the development itself that I've not looked into that option but it's definitely something I will try to integrate. At worst or in its early versions I will put artwork that's public domain and my own stuff.