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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the days following their return to Mountain Valley, Yin Ze, Xu Lun, and the others were tirelessly occupied. Their tasks included overseeing the harvesting of mature Spirit Grains and Spiritual Herbs within the valley, which would then be traded for various refining tool materials with fellow cultivators from different sects.

Currently, due to consecutive large-scale battles, apart from Demonic Beasts, cultivators had no other sources of income, and most were depleting their reserves. To secure resources within Mountain Valley, many were compelled to part with items they had been reluctant to trade previously.

For some, if these possessions couldn't be used to enhance their strength in the short term, it made more sense to exchange them for items that could be immediately utilized. Consequently, this trade turned out to be quite lucrative for Mountain Valley, yielding a substantial amount of high-quality materials.

Of particular interest were the fortunes of two Golden Core cultivators, which left Wang Hong envious. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't overpower them, he would have considered seizing their wealth directly. Nevertheless, he managed to acquire valuable items from them in exchange for Spirit Grains.

Once all the transactions were concluded, Wang Hong tabulated all the materials. When combined with the remaining resources from before, he estimated that he could refine three medium-sized Flying Boats. This would bring his total to six small-sized Flying Boats, making future migrations or escapes considerably more convenient.

In truth, the most significant resource consumed in refining Flying Boats was spirit wood, and Wang Hong had an abundance of it.

As Wang Hong and his team of refining tool experts began working on the spirit wood, the Demon Clan had already assembled all their Demonic Beasts and launched an attack on the Qingxu Sect.

Hua Xue Valley was currently situated behind the bulk of the Demonic Beasts, with some of these creatures passing by their vicinity daily. Those Demonic Beasts that attempted to enter Mountain Valley were swiftly dispatched by the Red Powder Skull Flower and Devilish Vine formations outside the valley, requiring no intervention from the cultivators within.

As for the Demonic Beasts that passed by directly, the group refrained from disturbing them. After all, they didn't want to alert the enemy prematurely. They preferred to remain hidden until the time was right.

Due to Yi Huai's severe injuries and the lack of suitable healing pills, he could only recuperate within Mountain Valley.

Gu Yuan and the Sloppy Old Daoist, along with a group of individuals, discreetly infiltrated the rear of the Demon Clan's army. They assassinated Demonic Beasts with stealth, taking advantage of any opportunities and then promptly withdrawing. The Demon Clan's higher-ups were aware of this troublesome group operating in their rear, but every time they sent a swarm of Demonic Beasts to encircle them, the group would vanish without a trace.

In reality, this elusive team would return to Mountain Valley and deliver the corpses of the slain Demonic Beasts, which were then distributed to the Devilish Vines surrounding Mountain Valley. The Devilish Vines absorbed these Demonic Beast remains, accelerating their growth significantly.

Wang Hong also transplanted all the Devilish Vine seedlings he had previously cultivated within Mountain Valley to its surroundings. His original plan had been to sell these Devilish Vines as guardians for Mountain Gates to various factions, but now that many of those smaller factions had disappeared, he decided to invest in their growth.

Nurtured by the abundant blood and flesh of the Demonic Beasts, these Devilish Vine seedlings rapidly thrived. As a result, the area surrounding Mountain Valley had become a death zone, and even the exit was overrun with countless Devilish Vines.

To enter or exit Mountain Valley, there was only one winding path. Straying from this route would incur the wrath of the Devilish Vines.

After more than five months of diligent effort, all the refining tool experts from the East Zhou Trading Company within Mountain Valley successfully completed the refinement of three medium-sized Flying Boats.

These three new additions followed the blueprints designed by Wang Hong himself. Combined with the previous one, he now possessed four Flying Boats of the same design. With the addition of the two others, he had a total of six.

While his two thousand followers would still find them a bit cramped, compared to before, this situation was much more comfortable.

At present, out of the six Flying Boats, only one is equipped with a Spirit Energy Cannon. Wang Hong plans to install Spirit Energy Cannons on all of them.

During the past five months of refining the Flying Boats, Wang Hong also accompanied two Golden Core cultivators to harass the Demon Clan's rear. Simultaneously, he hoped to trace the whereabouts of Liu Changsheng and his group.

Since the retreat from the third defense line, there had been no news from Liu Changsheng and his companions. Through their Blood Contract connection, Wang Hong could sense that they were still alive.

When they retreated, Liu Changsheng and his group from the Immortal Way Trading Company were reluctantly led into the Qingxu Sect by two Golden Core cultivators to help defend it. Though they were highly unwilling, they had no choice due to the circumstances and could only participate reluctantly.

Currently, Liu Changsheng, along with over two hundred members of the Immortal Way Trading Company, guarded a formation together.

Countless Demonic Beasts were relentlessly attacking the Sect's protective Large Formation. These cultivators, sheltered within the formation, didn't need to focus on defense. Their role was to wield their Spiritual Weapons and slay the Demonic Beasts before them.

For the Demon Clan to break through the Qingxu Sect, they would first have to breach the protective Large Formation. Qingxu Sect had been established for tens of thousands of years, and their Large Formation had been reinforced repeatedly, with the support of a large-scale Spirit Vein. The Demon Clan's attempts to break it would only result in heavy casualties.

After nearly half a year of continuous attacks, the corpses of Demonic Beasts outside the Large Formation had been cleared numerous times. The land beyond the Sect's formation had turned completely red, perhaps due to the excessive absorption of blood, with even the surrounding trees gradually taking on a crimson hue.

The Demon Clan had expended considerable effort, and the protective Large Formation now appeared significantly dimmer. Some areas displayed minor cracks under the relentless assault, but these were swiftly repaired by the replenishing Spirit Qi.

Liu Changsheng had just slain a second-tier Demonic Beast and was meditating to restore his Spiritual Power. He couldn't help but feel that the Spirit Qi here had been slowly declining.

Having lost Wang Hong's supply for this period, their provisions were running low, and Liu Changsheng only had a bottle of second-tier Spirit Wine left. He decided not to use it unless it was an emergency.

Just then, over two hundred colossal third-tier Demonic Beasts suddenly charged forth from the Demon Beast camp ahead.

Before reaching the Large Formation, these two hundred-plus third-tier Demonic Beasts simultaneously unleashed their most potent attacks—fireballs, wind blades, massive stones, and beast bones—carrying immense power as they bombarded the Sect's protective Large Formation.

After a thunderous roar, a gap over twenty feet wide appeared in the Large Formation. Demonic Beasts from outside the formation surged through the breach.

The cultivators guarding the formation immediately rushed to block the newly arrived Demonic Beasts, temporarily ignoring those still pouring in. Meanwhile, the two hundred-plus third-tier Demonic Beasts continued to bombard the formation, attempting to widen the gap.

At this critical moment, a streak of yellow light shot from the direction of Heavenly Authority Peak and arrived within moments.

This yellow light transformed to it's peak as it reached outside the Large Formation and crashed down toward the group of third-tier Demonic Beasts.

Some Demonic Beasts, realizing the imminent danger when they saw the yellow light, began to flee. However, a few with more aggressive personalities roared and launched attacks toward the yellow light.

By the time they comprehended their mistake and attempted to escape, it was too late. The light crashed down, instantly reducing over a dozen third-tier Demonic Beasts to a pulp, while the rest suffered severe injuries.

Even the cultivators within the formation felt a moment of suffocation. It took Liu Changsheng quite a while to regain his breath.

At this moment, even a fool could tell that only a Nascent Soul ancestor could possess such terrifying power.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 413: Elite of the Sect 


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