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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


When Wang Hong was transported outside through the exit, he saw that the Flying Boat he had arrived on had already taken off and was hovering in a state ready to flee at any moment.

"Hurry! Quickly board the Flying Boat!" shouted a Golden Core Elder standing by the exit.

Wang Hong didn't hesitate upon hearing the command. He immediately summoned a Flying Sword and soared onto the large Flying Boat.

Over a hundred people were already on the Flying Boat, and at this moment, they were all infected by the tense atmosphere, remaining silent and on high alert.

After all, the current situation was different from the past; this entire area was now under the control of the Demon Clan. If the Demon Clan discovered them and mobilized a large number of Demonic Beasts to surround them, even with ten Golden Core cultivators, there was no guarantee they could escape unscathed.

At this moment, the cultivators who had come out of the secret realm quickly boarded the Flying Boat. In just a moment, they had all returned to the Flying Boat.


With a loud command from Chen Zhuo, the Flying Boat headed toward the direction of Qingxu Sect at its fastest speed.

Wang Hong quietly asked Gu Qingyang, "Master, did they discover the Demonic Beasts?"

"Yes, there's a large group of Demonic Beasts that have been hiding in this vicinity for several days, and their target should be us. They probably want to ambush us," Gu Qingyang said with some concern.

Just as Wang Hong was about to ask Gu Qingyang a few more questions, Chen Zhuo, the leader of this mission, began to speak.

"Fellow disciples, I believe you all know the importance of this mission. The success or failure of this mission will directly affect the outcome of the future war between humans and demons. That's why we are taking such risks.

However, we are now surrounded. We discovered this beast horde ten days ago, and they are now closing in on us.

If we fail in this battle, we will become food for the Demon Clan, and our Human Clan allies will lose a chance for a comeback.

Therefore, for whatever reason, we must win this battle. At this moment, I hope you all won't hold back and will use your most powerful techniques to fight the Demonic Beasts with all your might."

Chen Zhuo gave an impassioned pre-battle speech, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. In group battles like this, there were always some individuals who preferred to hold back their strength. But if they were defeated, even if one or two people saved some tricks, it would be extremely difficult to escape from this horde of Demonic Beasts.

At that very moment, countless black dots appeared in the surrounding sky, and they were all flying Demonic Beasts.

Seeing this dense horde of Demonic Beasts approaching like a tidal wave, everyone on the Flying Boat, including the Golden Core cultivators, couldn't help but turn pale.

Leading the Demonic Beast horde was a massive Roc Bird with an imposing presence.

"Hahaha! You puny humans of the Human Clan! You didn't expect that you've long been within our encirclement.

Don't say I never gave you a chance; surrender now, and I might spare your lives. Perhaps there's still a chance for you to dine with the big shots of our Demon Clan in the future," the Roc Bird at the forefront arrogantly shouted toward the Flying Boat.

It remembered its older brother saying that live prey was fresher and more delicious, so it was willing to put in some effort to persuade them. It hoped to bring back some live ingredients.

It had experience in handling such ingredients before. It would have the captured prey help prepare the side dishes and then set up a fire pit. When everything was ready, it would kill the ingredients.

Therefore, it often marveled at how easy it was to deceive these intelligent Human Clan members, because it was their intelligence that made them greedy and fearful.
The flying Demonic Beasts drew closer, rapidly approaching the attack range.

On the Flying Boat, a few cultivators had uncertain expressions. Seeing the Demon Clan's approach, their chances of survival seemed bleak.

Surrendering now might offer a slim chance of survival, and some were willing to endure humiliation to live on. However, the words of the Demon Clan weren't very trustworthy, which was why they hesitated. With ulterior motives in mind, they looked around, their gazes unfocused.

"I'll give you one chance. Surrender or die!" The Roc Bird on the frontlines of the Demon Clan shouted loudly when there was no response from the Flying Boat.

Just then, three Daoist Masters suddenly flew out from the Flying Boat, heading rapidly toward the Demon Clan and shouting, "I surrender!"

Simultaneously, three beams of light shot out from the Flying Boat, piercing through the bodies of the three who had surrendered.

"Dare to surrender in the midst of battle! There's no mercy!" Chen Zhuo shouted loudly after killing the three.

At this moment, a small group of individuals on the Flying Boat with ulterior motives had no choice but to abandon their thoughts.


With Chen Zhuo's command, all the cultivators on the Flying Boat summoned their prepared Spiritual Weapons.

Wang Hong took out a wooden bow and a chubby-looking arrow, placing it on the bowstring. After nocking the arrow, he used Spiritual Power to shoot it toward the Demonic Beasts.

When his arrow reached the horde of beasts, it exploded with a resounding bang. However, the surrounding Demonic Beasts remained unharmed, at most startled by the explosion.

The Demonic Beasts around only hesitated for a moment before continuing their advance.

Wang Hong paid no attention to this and nocked another arrow, firing it in another direction, but it also merely exploded with a loud noise, producing no smoke or damage.

One after another, Wang Hong shot arrows in different directions, but the results were the same – not a single Demonic Beast's fur was harmed.

A fellow cultivator standing beside him couldn't help but ask, "Senior Brother Wang, is your Spiritual Weapon designed to merely startle the Demonic Beasts and disrupt their fighting?"

Wang Hong seemed oblivious to the sarcasm in the question.

"In less than a quarter of an hour, we'll see the results."

Wang Hong continued to fire these arrows into the Demonic Beast horde. When these arrows exploded, they released a highly toxic substance. Inside them was Wang Hong's refined Devouring Spirit Poison, which had even stronger toxicity than before and was more than enough to deal with Tier One Demonic Beasts.

The Flying Boat, besieged by numerous Demonic Beasts, continued to move slowly in the direction of Azure Void City, unable to pick up speed as if stuck in a quagmire.

Eight Golden Core cultivators stood at the front of the Flying Boat, using their magic weapons to create openings in the Demonic Beast horde, allowing the Flying Boat to advance.

Towards the rear of the Flying Boat, there was a bit of relief, with only two Golden Core Elders remaining on guard.

However, the Tier Three Demonic Beasts from the Demon Clan had yet to make an appearance, including the previously arrogant Roc Bird, whose whereabouts were unknown.

After approximately another quarter of an hour of fighting, many Demonic Beasts in the horde began to fall from the sky.

At first, most didn't pay much attention to this development, but as the number of falling Demonic Beasts increased, even a blind person could guess that something unexpected had occurred within the Demonic Beast horde.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 398: Net Gained 


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