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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"As you can see, I reached a dead end in the winter of 1991," that low voice resurfaced, still carrying a deep sense of sadness that couldn't be erased.

He sighed lightly, as if deliberately trying to put an end to the heavy topic, saying, "But what shocked me immensely was that, for me, Death wasn't the end. After enduring a long period of darkness, I woke up once again, finding myself in an orphanage in East Berlin."

"I was bewildered, not knowing what had happened. But soon, I accepted the reality and felt ecstatic because I had a second chance. And the better news was that the orphanage I was in was located in East Berlin, and the Director of the orphanage was a KGB Agent."

"This was the base where the Soviet Union secretly nurtured Agents. These orphans were children who had lost their families due to war, brought back to the orphanage for care, and would eventually become steadfast warriors."

"With memories from my previous life, I was the oldest among the children, hence the best performer. Logically, I could have stayed there and followed the same path, using the advantage of foresight to save my homeland."

"However, in the decades approaching the end of my life, I realized the truth of our demise. It wasn't something that an excellent Agent, a staunch soldier, or a clever Scholar could deal with."

"All of us were flawed. This country had become terminally ill, and even if I returned to my childhood to address this malaise, being just an Agent wouldn't be enough."

"And during this time, I discovered that compared to my previous life, I had some differences."

Accompanied by the narration, scenes unfolded once again before Schiller's eyes.

The sound of footsteps echoed from the end of the alleyway. A child dressed in typical German worker attire dashed out of the alleyway, followed by several larger children.

"Wild kids! Wild kids from the orphanage! Stole parts from our bikes and now want to run away?! Give back our stuff!" yelled the eldest among the pursuing children.

The leading child turned around, revealing the unmistakable face of young Schiller. He gave a smirk beyond his years and said, "It's you who stole parts from the Director's bike. If your parents won't educate you, I will!"

One of the chasing children, the tallest among them, rushed forward and grabbed young Schiller by the shoulder. Young Schiller retaliated, elbowing him in the chest, causing him to recoil in pain.

Unexpectedly, two larger children appeared from behind a wall in front of young Schiller. They struck him on the back with a stick, knocking him to the ground. The leader approached, saying, "Damn thief, you think we weren't prepared? You're finished this time!"

Young Schiller struggled to turn himself around, facing the approaching child. Despite feeling intense pain in his back, presumably from the previous blow breaking his ribs, he didn't show any weakness. He gritted his teeth and instinctively raised his hand to block as the stick descended.

With a bang, there was no pain on his arm, but a cry of agony from the other side. Amidst the flying sparks, the stick broke in half, and wood splinters scratched the eyelids of the opposing child, causing him to scream in pain and step back, covering his eyes.

Young Schiller looked at his own arm and noticed a strange glow. In a moment of concentration, flames ignited on his hand. The other children were astonished, yelling as they ran toward the exit of the alleyway.

Enduring the pain, young Schiller got up from the ground and looked at his pristine fingers, finding nothing on them, as if the fire just now was an illusion.

The scene around him gradually changed from the alleyway to a room. His fingers were still pristine and tender, but this time, he held a thick book. Despite the lingering innocence on young Schiller's face, there was a seriousness and heaviness typical of an adult.

At that moment, a chubby old man approached, smiling at him and saying, "Why are you reading here again? Still those mysterious biography novels? With this time, you should read more literary classics. Do you like reading Gorky?"

"Yes, Director, I love reading his 'Childhood.' His experiences in childhood remind me of ours. Although the orphanage is still difficult, it will get better, won't it?" young Schiller looked up from the thick books, addressing the Director.

The Director chuckled and said, "You always know how to cheer me up. If you want to read, go ahead. The bike parts you brought back will come in handy. Later, I have to go deliver goods to the factory..."

With that, the Director left, and Schiller returned his gaze to the book in his hands. After a while, feeling a bit tired, he closed the book and placed it beside him, curling up in place for a nap.

On the book beneath his head, it was boldly written - "World of Magic: Mysterious Legends."

Soon, as the sky darkened, the children who had gone out to work from the orphanage began to return one by one. They gathered in the front living room, playing games, while young Schiller remained alone in his room, studying the book.

After a while, he went to the shelf and took down a small piece of chalk left over, starting to draw on the floor.

After drawing a mysterious pattern on the ground, he took advantage of the orphanage caregivers' distraction, closed the door of the room, then pressed his ear against the wall, listening to the sounds from the next room.

Finding that the Director had not yet returned, he relaxed his guard and focused his attention on the pattern on the floor. Suddenly, a cluster of fire rose from the center of the magic array drawn on the ground, and a phantom figure swayed in the midst of the fire. A deep voice echoed in the room: "Why awaken me, children? What do you seek?"

However, young Schiller quickly erased the magic array, standing in place and panting incessantly, seemingly unable to believe what was happening before him. But soon, he widened his eyes, looking at his hands, which now emitted a different glow.

"It was in the year when I was about to graduate from the orphanage and enter a more professional training institution that I discovered I could use magic."

"In my previous life, for decades leading up to the end of my life, I was a staunch materialist, and I still am. So, I saw magic as a tool, a tool that could be analyzed and utilized."

"I didn't give up my career as an Agent. Graduating from the orphanage with the best results, I smoothly entered the most professional and secretive Agent training institution in East Berlin."

"It was different from the butler school in the U.K. It was specifically for training young staff and leaders of the National Security Council."

"At the training school, I focused on learning intelligence-related knowledge. However, I didn't intend to be just an Agent."

"Over the years, I continued to tirelessly study magic. Then, I discovered the truth about this mysterious power."

"Magic is not just an energy; it's a talent. Magic talent is like a ticket, giving you the opportunity to borrow energy from various powerful beings. Magic, fundamentally, is a transaction."

"Knowing this, a plan gradually formed in my mind. But before that, with outstanding achievements unseen in the school for ten years, I smoothly entered the Soviet Union National Security Council."

"In the First Department of the KGB, I excelled repeatedly, whether in domestic counterintelligence or foreign Agent work. I received considerable attention and recognition."

"Later, I was sent to the Fourth Department, becoming one of the decision-makers. But I knew it wasn't enough. So, I worked even harder, demonstrating greater capabilities and using my foresight advantage to provide significant assistance to our intelligence work."

"As a result, I rose through the ranks until I was transferred back to the First Department, becoming the Deputy Director. And on that day, after the cheerful celebration ended, I found the Director of the First Department."

Amidst the noisy sounds emanating from the house, with the smell of vodka permeating the air, a young Agent supported an older one as they walked out of the room and into the adjacent lounge. The older Agent sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

"Director, thank you for organizing such a warm welcome ceremony for me. I didn't expect to return to the First Department so soon."

"I didn't expect it either, Comrade Schiller. But being just a Deputy Director might be a bit of a waste for you, unable to fully utilize your revolutionary enthusiasm and abilities. But I believe you will have a broader stage sooner or later..."

The young Agent Schiller chuckled and shook his head, then looked at the Director and said, "Indeed, Director, not just me, but all of us will have a broader stage."

The Director of the First Department looked at Agent Schiller with some curiosity, sensing there was more to his words. But the next moment, he froze in place because Schiller's hands were suddenly engulfed in flames.

The fire reflected in his gray eyes like the glow of the setting sun on a mudflat. Agent Schiller looked at the Director of the First Department and said, "Perhaps, you may feel puzzled. In such a large country, there should be no shortage of people with magic talents, and the higher-ups should not just be realizing the existence of magic now."

"However, according to my previous research, the influence of one's beliefs on their magic talent is significant. Simply put, if you don't believe, it won't work. And my homeland doesn't trust anything supernatural."

"Therefore, I became the first person capable of proficiently using magic and participating in research."

"Perhaps, Comrades of the Eleventh Department, you have already found out about you. And this Eleventh Department, which you have never heard of and has never appeared in the public eye, is also known as the 'KGB Department for Investigation and Research on Magic Energy.'"

"In other words, the Eleventh Department is the department of the Soviet Union responsible for investigating magic and mysterious events. And I, am the Director of the Eleventh Department."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1022: Momentary Broadness of Heaven and Earth (Part 1) 


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