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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Alfred had anticipated, Belial swiftly received word of the trouble at the mine. However, Batman's moves were even quicker, and he decided to seize the initiative.

While the mine boasted abundant mineral resources, it still paled in comparison to fortresses or cities. Batman's vision of a complete production chain necessitated the possession of a City, so he set his sights on Sandbar City, the closest to the mine.

Though named Sandbar City, it was more of a sizable town. Nevertheless, it boasted a well-developed industrial chain, including smelting factories and foundries, supplying most of what Batman needed for his Portal.

Though garrisoned, Sandbar City's defenses were lax due to General Putrescent's special status and elite Demon soldiers. Without receiving any defensive alerts, Batman effortlessly took control of the city.

With the acquisition of the first City, construction of the industrial chain could commence. Besides smelting ores and forging armor, there was a concerted effort to develop magic industries, researching new potions and establishing production lines.

In the rear of Sandbar City lay a rift with flying Beasts, ripe for capture and taming. While not as formidable as airborne Demon varieties, these Beasts constituted an air force. Batman swiftly formed bombing units and deployed them in the ensuing sieges.

Located near the desert, the mine region featured few cities within the sands, but at the desert's edge stood several large cities specializing in mining or oil refining, forming the backbone of the industrial sector.

Though heavily guarded, Batman's forces were formidable. After securing several towns in the desert, he mustered over a dozen combat-capable camps, flourishing under Alfred's logistical support.

Of paramount importance, Batman devised an optimal railway network for resource allocation and manpower transfer among these cities.

With magic's assistance and the unexpected prowess of Demons, the transportation network swiftly expanded. With increased capacity, localized production plans smoothly commenced, operating under the supervision of logistical personnel.

Subsequent conquests posed little difficulty as Belial was preoccupied with frontline skirmishes, slow to react to rear assaults. This oversight not only allowed Batman breathing room but also opportunities for rearward development.

Batman's intellect wasn't limited to combat tactics; he was adept at infrastructure development as well. He even devised perfect transportation routes and planned production lines for several cities with his mind alone.

The larger the scale, the better his manipulation. With the desert and its surrounding cities subdued, Batman hadn't yet exerted his full strength, yet he had secured control over them all.

Continuing to expand southward, Batman encountered formidable obstacles, as Belial finally took notice.

Watching the advancing armies from the city walls, Batman noticed their equipment and weapons differed from those of other Demon forces. Moreover, the enemy seemed to have improved their military organization, mirroring Batman's own tactics.

Batman realized this was likely the work of Schiller, the conspirator mentioned before. Schiller had probably gained Belial's trust entirely, even influencing military reforms.

While frontal confrontation was futile against Belial's elite forces, retreating into fortified cities left Belial with few options.

Batman discerned that Schiller and he had started developing simultaneously, but Schiller, with more resources, held the advantage in manpower and equipment. However, Batman's tactical acumen balanced the odds in localized conflicts.

In the protracted siege, Batman didn't intend to remain idle. He didn't concentrate all his forces for defense but boldly dispatched troops to continue advancing eastward.

Belial was forced to send reinforcements eastward again, leading to a series of low-intensity skirmishes. With each city captured, Batman bolstered defenses and enhanced support, solidifying his positions.

Thus, steadily advancing, Batman soon established a domain centered around the Seven Mountains Mine, radiating outward with over 20 medium-sized cities and more than 10 large cities.

While facing significant internal pressure due to rapid expansion, Batman's external pressure posed the greatest threat to Belial.

Timing was crucial; Belial, just provoked by Schiller, had chosen to engage in wars with neighboring countries simultaneously. Consequently, what should have been Belial's territory turned into Batman's as the battles progressed.

The frontline soldiers found themselves in a predicament, unable to advance or retreat, ultimately left with the choice to defect or join Batman.

By employing this method, Batman amassed a considerable force. At this juncture, he reached out to Lady Darth, seeking collaboration.

The so-called "enemy of my enemy is my friend," and Batman knew that his main adversary was the conspiracy Schiller, serving as Belial's aide. Lady Darth, in her bid to regain Belial's trust, also targeted Schiller. Naturally, they could join forces.

Lady Darth was more eager than Batman had imagined. Upon hearing that the insurgents restraining Schiller were willing to cooperate, she bombarded Batman with several letters, and soon they collaborated closely.

Although Batman had occupied many Cities, he still lacked some rare resources. Certain specialty items could only be procured from the royal capital, and he also lacked certain rare talents, such as sorcerers capable of deploying large Magic Circles and engineers capable of manufacturing specialized items like bombs, all of which Lady Darth could provide.

With Lady Darth and Batman joining forces, they indeed reached a stalemate with Schiller and Belial. Under dual pressure, Belial found himself in a dilemma and quickly lost a third of his territory to Batman.

Everything was going according to Batman's plan until, unexpectedly, the situation took a sharp turn within a single day.

Belial issued a proclamation to all Demon lords, renouncing the territory occupied by Batman; he declared Batman's territory independent.

Batman couldn't fathom Belial's motive for such a move. However, he soon realized Belial's malicious intent because Belial's proclamation specifically singled out Batman as the one seizing his territory.

Don't forget, under the command of other Demon lords now, was Schiller. They had provoked wars to vie for the high tower, itching to eliminate Batman.

And at this moment, they learned that Batman had made a third of Belial's territory independent. What did that signify?

Everyone knew Batman, but more importantly, they knew his most frequent adversary, the arrogant Schiller.

After all, Schiller had been responsible for activities in the DC world, meaning it was highly likely that Schiller was now assisting Batman as a Demon lord's aide.

These personalities vied for the high tower to gain victory and ascendancy, but if the arrogant Schiller assisted Batman in achieving victory, the Superego would certainly not alter the match's outcome, and it would mean Schiller gaining control once again.

Moreover, it was the arrogant Schiller who had cast them all into hell in the first place. Now he wanted to regain ascendancy? Not a chance!

All the Schillers harbored a deep-seated anger towards themselves; after all, Schiller was a professional.

This put Batman squarely in the crosshairs. All the Schillers under the Demon lords ceased construction projects, halted military training, and abandoned all strategic planning. They just wanted to beat up the arrogant Schiller.

In a moment, enemies surrounded him, and fires broke out from all directions. All Demon lords neighboring Batman's territory declared war on his kingdom.

Moreover, in a frenzied manner, they transported troops. Within a few days, large armies pressed against the borders of Batman's kingdom.

The sudden change caught Batman off guard. His current situation couldn't be described as easygoing; it was more like being in dire straits.

Originally, Batman's plan was to advance steadily, gradually encroaching on Belial's territory, building high walls, amassing supplies, and biding his time. If he could unite with Lady Darth and Belial's son Atreus to eliminate Belial, that would be ideal. If not, he could find a way to drive him out, along with ousting the conspiracy Schiller.

The earlier parts had proceeded smoothly. It was foreseeable that if Belial couldn't come up with a good response, only a slow death awaited him.

However, the conspiracy Schiller was indeed adept at playing conspiracies. He turned the tables swiftly.

Although Belial had lost some land, in hell, land wasn't that valuable. Once this news spread, all the Demon lords' gazes focused on Batman, including those countries currently at war with Belial. This greatly relieved Belial's external pressure.

At the same time, the conspiracy Schiller knew that once other Schillers learned of the arrogant Schiller's whereabouts, they would surely attack en masse. Batman's pressure multiplied dozens or even hundreds of times within a short period.

If Batman couldn't withstand it, the conspiracy Schiller closest to Batman's territory could directly take over the territory he had seized. Moreover, infrastructure construction had already taken place in Batman's territory, completely saving the time needed for the conspiracy Schiller's remodeling.

The Schillers had started their renovations at the same time, but if the conspiracy Schiller could reclaim Batman's territory, it would be equivalent to him undertaking double the renovations simultaneously, putting him ahead by a mile.

By connecting the transportation networks constructed by Batman and those remodeled by the conspiracy Schiller, the nation's transportation network would be fully activated, unleashing the full potential of war. Coupled with Belial's formidable personal strength, victory would be within reach.

Batman even suspected that the smooth progress of his earlier conquests was entirely due to the conspiracy Schiller's cooperation, aiming to let Batman build up before revealing his hand and letting the people besiege him. Then, he could smoothly take over Batman's territory and the established facilities to advance his progress ahead of others.

Batman thought he had already overestimated Schiller as much as possible. But he hadn't anticipated that almost every trait of Schiller's matched that of his Professor. Unexpectedly, Batman stumbled.

However, Batman didn't intend to give up. Thus, Batman entered the most challenging, exhausting, and darkest period of his life so far.

Before, Batman had no evidence that Schiller's personal grudge was devoid of any teaching. But now, he did.

Because he was beaten by Schillers from all sides for a whole month.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1003: The Battle for High Tower (Thirty-Seven) 


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