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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Batman saw the vitality in Elder Triton's vertical pupils gradually dissipate. However, in the final glimpse of surprise, Batman understood that he was not the only one who learned from history.

In any world, there are always those who awaken first. They observe the long river of history from above, coming from the clouds of the vast land, and go down to inform the people, walking a pioneering path full of thorns.

Batman closed his eyes where he stood, his teeth clenched tightly. He repeated the phrase in his mind ten thousand times - "Don't think you are the only smart person in this world, and don't consider yourself a savior again."

If there is a savior in this world, those who are saved will never understand. Do not rely on others for your own life and death.

To truly save them, everyone must understand self-rescue. To give them real fairness, everyone must seek fairness on their own.

To give them freedom, they must have self first.

As the last trace of vitality left Elder Triton's body, he slowly turned into ashes. The Tritons around him began to sing an ancient ballad with a mournful tune.

Batman stood up slowly, looked around, and with a shocked expression, said to his Demons, "Let's go, find a safe place."

Batman walked forward in silence, with all the Demons following behind him. In fact, they were now shocked, frightened, and confused, only able to follow the figure in front of them, not knowing where they were going.

Leading a group of stragglers, Batman headed towards Third Mountain, which was closest to the central mine. These two peaks belonged to the mother and child mountains. In fact, Third Mountain was an extension of the central mine, almost two-thirds smaller but very close.

For some reason, the elite Demon forces that should have been stationed everywhere seemed a bit flustered at this time, as if they were unaware of the collapse of the central mine. Batman noticed this, but he couldn't spare the time to investigate. Instead, he quickly moved to Third Mountain in the chaos.

He came here for another reason. This was the mine where Merkel worked, and he could use her help.

Third Mountain was not that big, and there were very few mines, only about a dozen. When he entered the first mine, there wasn't a single Demon, and it was eerily quiet.

Batman had the main force stay here to rest, and he went alone to the depths to find Merkel.

The terrain of Third Mountain was very simple, almost a straight line with few forks, so Batman quickly found Merkel's trail. Just as he reached the middle of the passage, he heard Merkel's voice coming from the mine ahead:

"Why do we have to learn? This is the best example. The first squad used their previous classroom experience to successfully set a trap. You also saw that the overseer with powerful weapons fell under the power of teamwork..."

"Rollo used to be the weakest Imp in Third Mountain, but just like that, a newly born, extremely weak little Demon, using the dagger in her hand, successfully killed the overseer who oppressed her!"

"Perhaps many people don't know that Rollo had 32 children, but in fact, she should have had more. Her two children from the last litter, just born less than two days ago, were not even as big as an ordinary Demon's fist, and were used by the overseer who had taken too many drugs to make fun of..."

At this point, Batman heard a sharp cry coming from the mine, and Merkel's voice fell silent. But another, even sharper and louder voice emerged, full of great resentment, shaking Batman's mind.

"Those damn green-skinned!!! The most brutal and vicious green-skinned monsters in all of hell!!! They dragged my two newborn children from my nest and threw them against the wall, smashing them into a pulp..."

There was a gasp in the cave, although this was hell, there was still a certain order and rules. Even here, this kind of thing sounded extremely cruel.

The sharp cries grew louder, as if all the Imps were jumping up and down, crying and complaining about how their relatives and children were being abused.

Batman knew that this was not something they had made up, because there were so many little Demons, their chances of being persecuted were much greater than other Demons.

The overseers were angry, taking it out on them, drugged and amused at their expense, doing all the dirty work, and being kicked wherever they went.

Demons were not emotionless creatures, because they were created by the same God, the thought processes of Demons, humans, and Angels were similar, with a combination of reason and emotion, logic and feelings. Fear was a human nature, and so were anger, resentment, and grievance.

At this moment, Merkel's voice rang out again: "Faced with such persecution, can't we resist? Answer me, Imps! If you have the chance to not endure such abuse, to not suffer such grievances, what would you do?!!"

"Kill them! Kill them!! Throw them into the molten lava!! Let them experience even greater pain than us!!!"

"Kill them all!!!!"

The Imps started shouting again, and the atmosphere in the mine became even more intense. Many Demons whose emotions had been stirred up also began to roar. But at this moment, Merkel stepped forward and poured cold water on them:

"But you are the weakest Demons in hell. Look at you, a few tied together, not as thick as the arms of other Demons. Those powerful Demon soldiers can easily crush you into a pulp."

The atmosphere was fervent and unanimous. Although the Imps were still chattering, they couldn't articulate complete sentences. At this moment, Merkel spoke again:

"But just now, we successfully killed a powerful overseer Demon, who even had powerful weapons in his hands. We didn't lose a single Demon and managed to defeat him. Tell me, how did you do it?!"

"Unite! Unite! I know! I've learned this word!" Immediately, an Imp stood up and said, "We have over 20 Demons. We twisted a rope together, blinded his eyes, tripped him, used stones to pin him down, and then pierced his heart. We are many, we are not afraid of him!!"

Dozens of Imps started shouting again, apparently caught in extreme excitement. At this moment, Merkel timely adjusted the atmosphere again. He said, "If you haven't learned how to twist a rope, haven't practiced aiming at the overseer's eyes, and haven't practiced coordinating to push the stones, could you have done it?"

The Imps quieted down slowly, each one staring at Merkel. At this moment, Rollo, who had just been praised, stepped forward and shook her head, "Of course not. We didn't even know that the plant fibers piled up in the corner could be twisted into a rope..."

"I learned for two days and still didn't learn how to twist forward and then back. But fortunately, I learned how to aim at the overseer's eyes. My goodness, I didn't even know where the overseer's eyes were before. We couldn't see them at all!"

"That's why I say, everyone must learn."

"Learn, learn! Learning can help you defeat enemies much stronger than yourself. Although we are completely inferior in physique to those soldiers, we should use our brains, learn things we never knew before. We can, and they can't, so naturally, they can't beat us."

Merkel's language was very straightforward, without any complex logic. The central idea was simple: I know a lot of things. As long as you obey and learn from me, you can kill whoever you want, as many as you want.

Soon, the atmosphere in the mine reached its peak, and all the Demons shouted, "Unite! Learn! Invincible in battle!"

Batman stood still for a while, then turned and walked back to his Demons.

Looking at a group of numb Demons sitting in place, their terrified expressions still not fading, Batman sighed deeply in his heart, then showed that downward-turned expression again.

He opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound, because he didn't know what to say next. He stood still and thought for a while, then decisively walked towards the passage.

Batman knew he had to go ask Merkel what he had learned in the butler school.

When Merkel saw Batman, he was very surprised. He said, "Oh, Mr. Wayne, why are you here at this time? I heard that you led a Demon uprising in the central mine?"

Merkel reached out to shake hands with Batman, but Batman wasn't used to this kind of etiquette. However, seeing the sincere light in Merkel's eyes and thinking about what he was about to do, he still reached out and shook hands with Merkel.

Unexpectedly, Merkel walked up to him and said in an admiring tone, "Mr. Wayne, although you are not one of us yet, your amazing act has launched the first shot to liberate the mine. I believe you must have great ideals just like us."

Merkel turned his head and looked at Batman with an admiring look, "To be honest, Mr. Wayne, I really should learn from you. Your tactical mind and strategic vision are something I completely lack."

"I just emphasized the importance of learning to the comrades here. I think I must lead by example, constantly arming myself on the endless road of learning and improvement."

"Having the awareness but not the means, you can't achieve such remarkable results. "Merkel suddenly stopped and walked up to Batman again, extending his hand and saying:

"Comrade Wayne, can I call you that for now? I sincerely invite you to come here and give a lecture, to share your amazing victory in the central mine, to inspire the comrades' revolutionary confidence, and to improve their tactical level."

"At the same time, I will also learn from the audience, take you as a combat example, win the first battle of liberating Third Mountain, support Comrade Alfred and the comrades who are struggling hard in Mexico, and present a satisfactory answer to the hell revolution to the overall commander in Moscow."

Merkel's words were powerful and decisive, not giving Batman any chance to refuse. Looking at the fervent and sincere light in Merkel's eyes, Batman suddenly understood something.

He suddenly understood why that distant country was able to create such amazing miracles in just a few decades. The sincere struggle for ideals, no matter where it is, is extremely moving.

Batman looked around and found that the Demons here were much more lively than those in the central mine. Although they still looked strange, they were not without a leader.

The Imps were gathered in groups of three or four, learning how to twist ropes from Rollo. The Trolls were piling up ore next to the soil, and the Lava Demons were using the Mars on their bodies to melt small pieces of exposed ore into arrowheads and daggers.

It seemed that everyone had something to do, and everyone knew what they were doing and why.

Batman found that his long-frozen heart had a fierce beat in this atmosphere.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 988 Battle for the High Tower (22) 


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