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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After successfully refining the first Spiritual Weapon, Wang Hong continued to refine more - the second, the third, and so on.

In about a month's time, when he was ready to go and exchange his alchemy tasks, he had already refined more than fifty Spiritual Weapon arrows.

Wang Hong had now become quite skilled in refining arrows, so he decided to try his hand at refining other types of Spiritual Weapons.

He still used spirit wood as the raw material, but this time, he aimed to refine a wood attribute Flying Sword.

Refining a Flying Sword required more materials than arrows, including some additional auxiliary materials.

Refining a Flying Sword was far more complex than arrows, involving intricate formations and techniques.

Wang Hong faced numerous failures, even more than a dozen times, and it took three golden ironwood trees before he successfully refined his first Flying Sword.

Although this initial Flying Sword was of a low-grade Spiritual Weapon, it still had value. Wang Hong knew he could sell it for several thousand Spirit Stones. Even if Foundation Building cultivators might not be interested, plenty of Qi Cultivation stage cultivators would vie for it.

Possessing such a Spiritual Weapon could significantly boost a Qi Cultivation cultivator's combat prowess, making them formidable opponents.

Undeterred by his initial failure, Wang Hong continued to refine more Flying Swords. The second one he refined was slightly better than the first.

He repeated this process over the course of a year, ultimately crafting a total of one hundred Spiritual Weapon Flying Swords.

Although they all shared the same design, the quality of these one hundred Flying Swords varied greatly. Starting from roughly made ones, they gradually became more exquisite, with some approaching the level of mid-grade Spiritual Weapons.

For this particular endeavor, Wang Hong had obtained a golden ironwood tree that had grown for over two thousand years. Its entire body had turned into gold, making it suitable for crafting magic weapons.

He split the tree and extracted its core, the most essential part of the spirit wood.

Even the outer layers of the discarded spirit wood were considered third-tier materials and could fetch a good price if used by other refining tool experts to craft high-quality Spiritual Weapons.

The core of the golden ironwood was just the size of a bowl's mouth, seven to eight feet long—just enough for crafting one Flying Sword.

From his spatial storage, Wang Hong also retrieved various ore materials required as auxiliary components for the Flying Sword.

One particular piece, a small black metal chunk the size of a jujube pit, might not look impressive, but it was a rare material known as "Rinjing." Wang Hong had acquired it at a high cost from a Foundation Building cultivator.

This metal, Rinjing, was incredibly valuable. Adding just a tiny speck the size of a soybean to a Spiritual Weapon could make it razor-sharp.

Wang Hong set up his refining tool furnace and activated a technique, causing it to expand to around ten feet in size. He then summoned the Spirit Fire and placed it at the bottom of the furnace.

After carefully warming the furnace, he inserted the golden ironwood core into it.

He began infusing a substantial amount of Spiritual Power while adjusting the fire to make it more intense.

Simultaneously, he cast hundreds of techniques onto the refining tool furnace in a continuous stream.Ten hours later, the refining tool furnace gradually shrank in size, and all impurities in the wooden core had been completely refined. What remained was a thick liquid-like substance the width of an arm.

At this point, Wang Hong retrieved the Rinjing and tossed it all into the refining tool furnace.

After another hour, the Rinjing was entirely assimilated, gradually merging into the arm-sized liquid substance.

He continued to add other auxiliary materials intermittently and kept refining.

A day later, Wang Hong had before him a floating golden Flying Sword. However, at this moment, the sword was still in a semi-solid state.

Now, he needed to inscribe formations onto it. He meticulously engraved dozens of formations onto the sword, with the majority being sharpness-enhancing formations.

As he completed these inscriptions, a strong radiance emitted from the Flying Sword. When the light subsided, all the inscribed formations had merged into the sword.

At this point, the Flying Sword had cooled and solidified. Wang Hong gently caressed the golden Flying Sword. Finally, he had successfully crafted his first top-quality Spiritual Weapon.

While the materials he used could have produced at least a high-quality Spiritual Weapon in the hands of another seasoned refining tool expert, Wang Hong had countless thousand-year spirit wood trees in his Space. This meant he could use the resources in his Space to craft various types of Spiritual Weapons without needing to involve others.

After crafting the Flying Sword, Wang Hong had no intention of stopping there. He had only mastered the refinement of arrows and Flying Swords so far.

This was certainly not enough, especially since he wasn't in a hurry while staying in the sect.

Tasks that might take others half a month to complete, he could finish in a single day.

Besides cultivation, he continued to exchange Jade Scrolls from the Scripture Tower and dedicated time each day to study within his Space.

His range of study was vast, encompassing almost every content available in the Jade Scrolls from the Scripture Tower. He estimated that he wouldn't stop until he had gone through all of them.

Next, Wang Hong decided to refine Devilish Vines, which had grown extensively in his Space, including several thousand-year-old specimens.

He found Binding Spirit Ropes quite useful, especially against Demonic Beasts, where it worked exceptionally well since Demonic Beasts lacked effective means of resistance. Against human cultivators, its effectiveness was reduced but still served as a means of restraint.

Although he had never refined Binding Spirit Ropes before, his experience from refining Flying Swords made the process considerably easier.

In a little over half a year, Wang Hong had refined dozens of low to mid-grade Binding Spirit Ropes and successfully crafted his first top-quality one.

With the experience of his initial success, his success rate improved as he continued to refine. He created over a hundred top-quality Binding Spirit Ropes, depleting all the thousand-year-old Devilish Vines in his Space.

Now, only several hundred-year-old vines remained along with a few two-thousand-year-old ones.

With these older vines in mind, Wang Hong came up with an idea. He cut down dozens of the two-thousand-year-old Devilish Vines, intending to refine a Spiritual Weapon even more potent than the Binding Spirit Rope.

As he refined and experimented, it took him over a year to succeed.

Now, Wang Hong held in his hands a one-foot-sized Spirit net, the culmination of his year-long effort.

This Spirit net was crafted from dozens of Devilish Vines and, when infused with Spiritual Power, could cover an area of one to two acres.

Within this range, escape was nearly impossible. Additionally, the Spirit net inherited a unique trait from the Devilish Vines - the ability to absorb the opponent's Spiritual Power and essence blood. Once ensnared, unless the captive could break free quickly, they would only weaken over time.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 306: The Council of Nascent Souls 


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