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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"So what if he wasn't allowed on the ship that one time? Does that warrant dragging us all down to hell with him? Isn't that a bit petty?" MarvelSchiller complained, "And to top it off, he throws us into the middle of a battlefield and then disappears himself."

"You should consider yourselves lucky. He took the most troublesome guy with him," Superego chimed in, also standing by the window, observing the chaos below High Tower. Adjusting his glasses, he continued, "I've always told you, he's one of the most mentally unstable traits, but it's not entirely his fault."

"I didn't initially intend to split the trait of arrogance, but I'm well aware of the dangers of this world and the risks involved in dealing with Batman. So I sent half of the arrogance to test the waters, and as expected, he got infected by the Joker virus."

"We already have a variety of eccentric personality traits at home, so one more Joker isn't much of a concern. But what surprised me was how quickly the transformation occurred. I thought it would be a relatively lengthy process, but as soon as he met Batman, that fragment went haywire."

"The other fragment went straight to work without proper processing, his mental state was far from stable..." Superego shook his head, while MarvelSchiller scoffed, "Ever since he first retaliated against me for breaking his Umbrella, I knew something was off."

"Come on, we're all one person, who retaliates against themselves? That's when I knew for sure, he's definitely mentally unstable!"

"Normally, personality traits capable of surfacing and taking control of the body should be the most stable, the ones best suited for navigating human society, like you, showing no signs of any mental illness but possessing the ability to thrive in human society..." Superego explained.

"However, Gotham is a place where being too normal sticks out like a sore thumb. Negative traits are necessary to cope, and arrogance is the prime candidate. Unfortunately, the Joker virus only infected half, leaving the other half."

"With the trait already unstable and then further weakened..." Superego shook his head, saying, "I didn't let him on the ship before because his mental condition wasn't stable enough. Any provocation could have caused him to lose control completely."

"I didn't expect that we wouldn't end up fighting with All Things Green, and in the end, he went insane because of a severe broccoli allergy."

"So, he's completely gone mad?" MarvelSchiller asked, to which Superego shrugged, saying, "He's always been mad, but this time, it's particularly severe. Just because I didn't let him on the ship, he threw us all into hell, and intentionally placed us here, probably to watch us get besieged by the demons."

"Rather than saying he's gone mad, it's more like he's become extremely petty," MarvelSchiller scoffed, saying, "He represents not arrogance but grudges."

With that said, he glanced out the window again. After a period of observation and confrontation, it seemed that both sides of the demon army were finally ready to make a move.

A number of shadowy demons began to converge towards their location, and MarvelSchiller rubbed his chin, saying, "Should we release those brawl enthusiasts? They must be itching for action."

"Let them stay put," Superego said before turning around to glance at the situation below. Then, he nodded towards MarvelSchiller, saying, "Instead, you and those skilled in calculation, finance, operations, and strategy, gather in the meeting room on the second floor."

MarvelSchiller paused for a moment, then asked, "Why? You're not suggesting that us bureaucrats go deal with those demons, are you?"

Superego let out a cold snort, looking at him, "You, with your complete personality trait, spending your days in the safe world of Marvel, doing nothing but idling away, your work efficiency is even lower than half of the arrogance."

"Keep neglecting to use your brains, and you'll end up regressing into idiots."

Watching Superego enter the elevator, MarvelSchiller shook his head, saying, "It's not that Marvel is too safe, it's just that the people in Gotham are too dark."

After a while, in a large meeting room on the second floor, filled with people, many were whispering to each other.

"What's going on? Why did they call us all out?"

"Don't you know? The Temple of Thought is under siege by demons. I heard it was that petty arrogance who threw us into hell..."

"No wonder, I've always said that guy's got some issues..."

"But why call us, a bunch of bureaucrats? We're the ones who use our brains for a living. Shouldn't they be seeking out those who are all about fighting to defeat the demons?"

"You're definitely not talking about that bear-child... But I shouldn't say that about myself. But he really is a bear-child..."

"Don't expect me to go fistfight with those demons. I represent the conspiracy trait. This should be handled by those inclined towards violence or aggression..."

"Quiet down!" Superego banged the table with his hand, clearing his throat before speaking, "As you can see from the current situation, we're surrounded by demons. Now, someone needs to step up and get us out of this situation."

"Don't sit there twiddling your thumbs. Last time, in the Marvel world, it was those inclined towards combat who went out to work. How long do you plan to vacation?"

There was an immediate outbreak of discontented murmurs below. Superego banged the table again, saying, "Quiet! Listen to me!"

"Now, everyone, pay attention..." With a snap of his fingers, a large screen appeared behind Superego, displaying some information, seemingly memories from Schiller.

"This is the distribution of power within DC Hell and the specific information on Demon Lords that we've seen in comics before. Now, everyone, come up and draw lots. The Demon Lord you draw will be your challenge this time..."

"Later, I will throw all of you out, each to find your respective Demon Lord. In the following period, you will need to assist your respective sovereigns in achieving victory in the war."

As Superego's voice fell, there erupted a more intense discussion below. Superego surveyed the room until it quieted down, then continued, "You should have noticed that the arrogance trait, which has always risen to the surface to work, has some problems with its mental condition. He may need some time off."

"So, the winner of this exam will be able to take his place during his vacation, becoming one of the personality traits with the power to surface at any time."

Instantly, there was an uproar in the room, with all personalities excited. Being able to control the body for an extended period also meant they could showcase their skills and change the situation of the world.

Even if they couldn't become one of the personality traits capable of long-term control, they could at least witness the entire event unfold, see the results of their efforts. This was much better than occasionally going to work, starting something without seeing it through to the end, or cleaning up messes for other traits.

After the initial excitement, the room fell strangely silent, and everyone returned to their seats. Some looked at their watches, others straightened their ties, occasionally glancing at their neighbors with guarded expressions. After all, now they were competitors.

"Now, let me announce the instructions for this exam..." Superego looked down at the documents in his hand before speaking:

"Since the exam location is in hell and the clients are demons, the rooms related to morality and ethics in High Tower will not be open temporarily. Cooperation is not prohibited, but remember, there can only be one winner..."

The personalities in High Tower were ready, and the demons outside were equally eager. A demon with dark red skin and four arms, riding on the back of another flying creature, which resembled a stingray from the sea, with a flat body, two wings, and a pointed tail.

This was Astaroth's special forces, called Spawn. The flying knight rode on the back of the flying demon, capable of curling its wings to protect the rider while sprinting at high speed to disrupt the enemy formation.

The dark red demon with four arms spoke, "Astaroth has issued the command. We must push the front line past this High Tower by tonight. The land beneath our feet will be our new fiefdom!"

"All forces! Prepare to attack!"

After he finished shouting, the demons below let out terrifying roars. However, at this moment, the Demon General narrowed his eyes, looking at a row of small black dots suddenly appearing on the horizon, somewhat puzzled.

"What's that? Is it the secret weapons of the Baphomet army?"

"Wait, vanguard! Halt for a moment! It seems... seems to be a group of humans??? By Satan above, they seem to be rushing out of the High Tower!"

"Report, General!" a ghost-like demon floated over, saying, "You ordered the reconnaissance team to keep an eye on the situation at High Tower. Just now, we found many identical-looking people rushing out of the High Tower, now running in all directions. Shall we open fire?"

"No, not yet. You mean many humans rushed out of the High Tower? Spread the word, capture them. Astaroth is very interested in this High Tower. If we can capture prisoners, there will be great rewards from the Duke!"

With a wave of the Demon General's hand, the reconnaissance team immediately set out. Before long, a Schiller dressed in a long robe was brought before the Demon General.

The Demon General was first stunned, then he spoke, "Who are you? What's your relationship with that High Tower? Why did you come rushing out of that tower?"

"Hello, General, I am Schiller Rodriguez. Are you one of the Four Generals under Astaroth's command?"

"You've heard of me?" The Demon General squinted his eyes, controlling his mount to land, then approached Schiller.

Demons were often much taller than humans, and this Demon General's race wasn't considered exceptionally tall among demons, but he still stood over three meters tall, with four powerful arms, appearing exceptionally strong.

But Schiller was not intimidated by his presence at all. He smiled, clasping his hands over his chest, bowing, and said, "Hello, General, your reputation is known throughout all of hell..."

"I understand that the great Astaroth has many questions about the sudden appearance of this High Tower here, and I am the one who can answer those questions." Schiller looked into the Demon General's eyes and said:

"Believe me, General, sending me to Astaroth will bring you more benefits than devouring my soul here."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 969, Battle for the High Tower (Part Three) 


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